

Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2007
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I woke up this morning to find blood again :( its not loads but still enough to be worrying me. I checked the baby's heartbeat on my doppler and he seems happy and heartbeat is strong, i diddnt want to go charging down to EPAC just to find out that everything is fine again (ive been to EPAC about 6 times now)

unfortunatly im one of theses woman that has had bleeding every month (but not around the time id have my period) it just happens randomly.

Im going to make an appointment to see the doctor this morning & call the midwife. Do you think i should ask to be signed off for a couple of days to just rest? Work is very full on and busy and im woundering if thats whats the cause of all this every time i bleed.

Tiggy xxx
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
i think you should see your doctor and deffinately get some bed rest :hug:
your placenta could be low..dont have sex till your 20 week scan..and if it gets worse dont worry about contacting the epu, its their job. if i was bleeding i would be down there.
Aparently my placenta is low & midwife said to me 2 weeks ago that hopefully by my 20 week scan it would have moved. How risky is having a low lying placenta or what complications could i be faced with?

Just made an appointment to see doctor as i cant get through to midwives office, im seeing doctor at 9.30 this morning, I doubt very much there is anything she can do except tell me that if it gets worse to go down to EPAC, but i will asked to be signed off for a week as being at work im on my feet rushing around & i dont want to make my situation worse.

Tiggy xx
I'd go get it checked out just to be safe- and I would get signed off work if I were you. Take care
hi, ive had the same problem, i bleed all the time and they have signed me off work sed i shudnt be doin too much x
I have a low lying placenta... generally it doesn't cause too many problems, as long as you are not stressing, walking a lot, having sex and lifting heavy items.

I would say you need to get signed off for a little while... get some bed rest... My MW said bleeding is usually a sign from our bodies that we are doing too much...

Hopefully by you 20 week scan the placenta would have moved up or at least away from the entrance to your cervix.. :hug: :hug: :hug:
Sorry you are having a worrying time.

Some women just bleed on and off during pregnancy, and everything is fine.

I would defo have some rest and get signed off. Better to take things easy and look after yourself. xxx
Thanks for all your replies girls, im back from the doctors and have been signed off for 1 week.

Im going down to EPAC at 9.30 tomorrow however the lady said she would listen to the heartbeat of my baby, and if she cant hear one then only then will she refer me to have a scan, I think thats quite odd, as the main reason for going is becuase of my bleeding and the fact I have a low lying placenta, the doctor said here self its best to find out what grade i am (i.e is the placenta covering the whole of my cervix or just part) and this can only been known by having a scan.

When i get there i will just demand to have a scan, im not leaving anything to risk.

Thanks again everyone

Tiggy xxx
good luck tomorrow- sit with your feet up and a family size bar of choc in your hand for the rest of the day! :hug:

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