

Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2012
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hey ladies,

was wondering if anyone else has had any bleeding in tri3?

the other night after i done the toilet and wiped i was bleeding. i called the midwife and they told me aslong as there wasnt any blood on my underwear and it was just basically in my urine i would be okay, just to keep an eye on babys movement ect ..

2 days later and it happened again .. i went up to the hospital and they examined me and told me that my cervix was bleeding and normally i would be kept in for 24 hours but i will be fine and sent me home :???:

they also told me i have protine in my urine but i havent to worry but after reading on the internet it can be a sign of pre-eclampsia .... i just feel like midwifes cant be bothered sometimes! :wall2: xx
Might be worth ringing your GP, or contact the DAU (Day Assessment Unit) at the hospital if you're worried hun.
Don't get yourself worked up about things you read on the net. Yes it can be a sign of pre-eclampsia, but it could be other things too.
I personally haven't experienced this, but always check with someone to put your mind at rest.
I can recommend ringing NHS Direct too as they are really helpful x
Hi HUn,

Didnt wan to read an run.....

there was a trace of protein in my urine at my last MW app, she said it was not enough to worry about, i know with PE you start to swell in your feet arms or face, i find myself constantly looking for swelling,

im not sure about the bleeding though, but i would certainly keep an eye on it, and if it does continue id go to the hospital again, dont let the MW think your being a pain, this is you and your baby ! Thats what they are there for, :) xxx
thanks ladies :D i will be sure to go back to them if there is any other problems, you just feel like a total pest! think its down to me being so nervous with it all being new to me! and you read all these horror stories! (maybe i need to stop reading into things too much :))

my friend had PE and had to have her LO very early, fortunatly he was healthy and he is doing fab but i just worry all the time! :-( xxx

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