

Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2011
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hi all,

just wondering how long you all bleed for - i know its different for everyone but my flow was really heavy for the first 2 days then just went to less than a period. lately its getting quite clotty although they are small clots, and the blood is still red rather than going brown - its 12 days since Drake was born. Does this sound normal or should I be worried? I'm not in any pain or anything just worried that its still red and clotty
Mine kept changing, randomly got lighter, heavier or clots and has only finished this week (5 weeks) was quite light for the last 10 days, less than a period. If you get any large clots then speak to midwife, I had one but she wasn't worried as my uterus felt contracted so she didn't think there were anymore in there.
Mine was really heavy for a few days, then was next to nothing until it stopped about 5 weeks after Cesca was born. I then had my first period 4 days after I stopped lol xx
i'm 14 days after birth & mines has been dying down the last couple of days but has been really heavy & clotty up til now. Can hardly wait til it stops!

Mine was pretty much the same. I found the bleeding was heavier after I'd been more active.
Mine was horrid! I bled for just over 12 weeks! Then I had about a week free and took a period which was heavier than my normal periods before child birth. I took another period on 3rd November and it's only tailing off now! The first 3-4 days or this one was awful. Blood was literally running out of me constantly. I've docs appointment next Friday about it. x
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I bled for around 4 weeks. It did gradually become lighter. xx
I'm still bleeding on and off (like a med-light period) and it's been 3 weeks now. It did get lighter for a bit last week and then got a bit heavier again. Not bleeding lots though :).
I've not had any since early yesterday


Fingers crossed its gone!!


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