Heavy bleeding, is this normal?


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2011
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hey, its a week and 2 days since i had our little madam. I only sustained 2 grazes during delivery so didnt need stitches or anything. Was quite sore and stingy for a few days but it seemed to get much better until a few days ago. Bleeding was getting less heavy as well, almost like a normal heavy period. The last few days however Ive been really crampy and sore and my bleeding has got much worse. Having to change pads at least 4 times a day and am wearing 2 at the same time at the mo! also been passing some quite large clots and bright red blood. I feel really tired as well.
Is this normal, have tried ringing my MW but cant get hold of her. I know I will be bleeding for a while, it was just it got better and has now got much worse again, thats what i'm worried about. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
It's sometimes a sign you need to rest more and slow down a little. I have only stopped all bleeding within the last week and Sophia is 8 weeks old. If your soaking a pad with an hour I'd get checked, although I had this and was told it was fine after examination. This time they think I had retained products so bled longer than with my other children. I found the cramping would pick up now and again and I would get some bleeding with it, I think it's everything contacting back to normal size etc. I found I was sat on the loo with the blood pouring out eeeek! But it stopped and started so that was a sign that I wasn't necessarily hemorrhaging. I found it worse everytime I went to the loo.
I personally haven't had any issues like this so can't really relate. I was advised however that if I ever got clots that were bigger then a 50p to let them know straight away. I am not trying to worry you, just passing on what info I was given. If you are unsure and can't get a hold of your MW, did they give you any other numbers to call? I would keep trying, even if to just get reassurance that everything is normal.
Got the MW coming tomorrow, told her how I was feeling and she said to let her know asap if anything got worse or ring the mat suite. Other than that she'll see me tomorrow and check me over then, gonna do my blood pressure etc... just hope everything is ok. My grazes seemed to get better but theyre really sore again now :( just wish I felt better, hubby thinks Ive over done it Xmas shopping etc... sat with my feet up at the mo and he's running round after me :D one perk I spose!
My MW told me that the more you do the heavier the bleeding so try to relax as much as possible and let hubby take care of you.
The clots should be no bigger than a 50p so if they are bigger I'd ring the maternity ward and get yourself checked out. xx

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