Bleeding post sweep.


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2014
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Hi ladies

Had my sweep today and oh my god it was pretty painful! Now I am home I have noticed there is a fair amount of blood. I was warned I would have a show but when I went for a wee it was dripping from me! Has this happened to anyone else! I didn't bleed when I had a sweep with my son. The doctor did say it was a good sweep x

I'm having a few twinges so I am hoping this has worked x
If it was me I would get it checked out - I had 2 sweeps last pregnancy and did not drip with blood. I'm not trying to scare you but when Mum had a sweep with me they didn't realise how low placenta was and knocked it and the first she realised anything was wrong was when she got home and blood started pouring out in the bath. I would ring triage and ask hun as it doesn't sound right to me xx
I had a sweep with my second which I also bled and he was out less then 24 hours later. Even though it's scary to see it's probably a good thing, which means it's worked. I also had blood in my wee and when I wiped in early stages of my third labour.

I was told it's normal by my midwife after a sweep. But ring if your concerned xx
I rang the midwife but I couldn't get through! The bleeding seems to have eased slightly now but I have left a message for someone to call back asap!

Iv never actually had a show before either so I don't know how much blood is normal!
I had this after my sweep with my little girl, I rang maternity day care and they had me straight in just to get it checked out. I would definitely try and ring them or keep trying your midwife hun xx
I was gonna say phone MW that didnt happen with my sweep with last baby or when i had show the other day.

Hope you are ok and got checked out please let us know how you get on
I am feeling really fustrated!

Apparently the bleeds is normal and as long as it's now settled down and baby is active then there is no cause for concern.

I am so fustrated because since 5pm I have been having regular ( every 5 min) contractions that were getting longer and stronger. Now everything has completely stopped! I am so fed up of false labour it's been happening for weeks and I really thought this was it! The doctor was so confident the sweep would work. My cervix was soft and 2 cm dilated she said she gave it a good stretch with 2 fingers (TMI sorry). I'm one tired fed up lady but I can't sleep because I am so fustrated! Grr
I am feeling really fustrated!

Apparently the bleeds is normal and as long as it's now settled down and baby is active then there is no cause for concern.

I am so fustrated because since 5pm I have been having regular ( every 5 min) contractions that were getting longer and stronger. Now everything has completely stopped! I am so fed up of false labour it's been happening for weeks and I really thought this was it! The doctor was so confident the sweep would work. My cervix was soft and 2 cm dilated she said she gave it a good stretch with 2 fingers (TMI sorry). I'm one tired fed up lady but I can't sleep because I am so fustrated! Grr

Bless you hun, I sympathise - I was like that when I was pregnant with my daughter. Has 2 Stretch and sweeps and both just caused a short spell of contractions and that was it. My baby was 10 days overdue in the end :( What did it for me in the end was getting on my hands and knees and scrubbing the kitchen floor, literally 2 hours later I was having proper contractions which led to her being born haha :) x
I've never had a baby before so I don't quite know what a sweep is :S can someone explain please? Hope the bleeding stops though but if it's normal is that a good thing or not? Sorry to sound a bit dense xxx
Basically a stretch and sweep is where your midwife will put her hand up your lady bits and if you are slightly dilated she will literally run her finger around your cervix and try and stretch it so it starts labour off. It doesn't always work though but they offer to try it if you are near due date / overdue. You can say no though if you don't feel comfortable about having one x
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Oooh, okay yeah that's a no go for me but I don't know how I'll feel if I go over due. Thank you for explaining xx
I rang the hospital again as iv had a show but the blood has gone back to being bright red! They want me to take paracetamol and ring back in an hour to let them know if the bleeding worsens! I'm still having to wear a pad as I am bleeding like it's a light period!
I would say to keep the pads, I know it sounds gross, but they may want to look at them. When you call back make a fuss. You are so close to meeting your little person, try to stay calm and good luck :)
Sorry to hear you are still bleeding hun, I agree I would make a fuss next time you speak to them and ask to be seen. All is prob fine but getting checked will give you peace of mind x
I still haven't got anywhere with them but the blood settled again after a nice bath! They just said keep an eye on it and keep taking paracetamol for the back ache x I hope its all a good sign that she is coming soon x
Hope your little one is here very soon chick and the bleeding and back ache calms down x x

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