Bleeding ......Has anyone experienced this when.....


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2008
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Hi girls sorry if this is tmi but it is really really worrying me!!

I had a mc 4 months at 6 weeks so you can imagine I am ultra scared right now!

I am now 6 weeks and a day and for the past week every time I go for number twos i have a pinkish brownish colour when I wipe - not very much and it doesnt go on after its literally just after. Granted I have been v constipated but still its worrying me. My mind is doing the rounds as you can imagine I am constantly checking my pants!! dont get me wrong its not happening every day but it s happening !

cant tell if i still feel preggers one minute my bbs still kill the next they dont still knackered but that could be the case if losing it.

I have a reassurance scan on Tuesday anyway

But has anyone else experienced this guys?

Sunny :(
ah hun of course its natural to feel like this hun so want to send you some hugs :hug: :hug:

i mean brown blood is old blood so the more brown the better if you know what i mean

i mean some people go through having hardly any signs they are pregnant which can be as worrying i know but i hope next week the reassurance scan will put you more at ease hun,

i have a good feeling you will be ok hun :hug: :hug:
Oh hun :hug: I'm sure it's nothing to worry about.

Am I reading it right? Do you mean the pinky colour is coming from your bum? If so, I got AWFUL piles in 1st tri which used to bleed and stuff. They were terrible. I was always constipated so it could be that?

Good luck for Tuesday by the way, I'm sure everything is absolutely spot on up there! :hug: x
Thanks girls dont know who else to chat to as noone know m preggers yet!!

No the bleeding is defo from front - my hubbie asked me that - are you sure you havent got piles??? But it really is from the front and it is the sort of colour that started my mc which is why I am worried but it is minute amount but... its still there

My bbs are killing me now and back is too .....

Just really really thought this would be our time so am hving positive thoughts but still the what ifs creeping in .... tuesday is going to be the longest time!!!
Well girls I am off to my scan tomorrow so will see how things are ... am hoping see a heartbeat and see what is happening with teh spotting!! wish me luck will let you know how it goes

Scared but excited
good luck hun im sure all will be fine,

let us know how you get on :hug: :hug:
Good luck hun......... :hug:

Make sure you let us know how you get on!!

I know exactly how you feel i miscarried last year at 8 weeks.. im officially 12 weeks pregnant now.. but have bled brownish.. as you say when you wipe, its noticable and on the liners i wear.. had a scan at 7 weeks as i panicked that it was going to happen all over again! everything was fine at that point.. my next scan is this friday, so i guess its just a case of waiting to see...

always get things checked out officially, but the midwife has assured me it doesnt always spell bad news...

All the best Jo.x
Well!!!! not sure this is really happening!!!

I went in for an early scan as I had had spotting last week and after having a mc earlier in the year was very scared that it was happening again!!

So we had the scan and low and behold not only is the heart beat strong but there were two strong heart beats!! I am having twins!! its still sinking in!!

Its weird last night I dreamed we were having twins and I told my husband this morning and he said - you and your dreams!!! and low and behold when we were looking at the screen there were two sacks!! we both just gawped at each other in amazement!!

Just told my mum and dad and they nearly fell off their chairs!!!! we have decided not to tell anyone else other than OH mum and dad as think we need to let it sink in!!!

WOOOO twins!! all the research I have done on buggies and nurserys will now have to do again!! shocker

Very thrilled !!

Thanks so much for your support so far!!!
woo congratz for you!! Thats great news! Glad everything was okay! :hug:
Oh wow that is sooooo exciting. Congratulations and I am so glad everything is ok :cheer: :hug:
Omg :D

Wow... a big Congratulations to you.x

Glad everything turned out so well :hug:
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How ccol you can get it all over and done with in one push! Is there a history of twins in family? My hubbies grandad is twin so will be looking out for 2 heartbeats too! Did you see much at the scan I have mine next week will be 8wks + 3. Congratulations babe hope your boobies are up for all that sucking??!! :rotfl:

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