Bleeding gums?

Hi Sherlock,

Thanks, yes, next time I go shopping I'll look for some of that.
Hi Charlie :wave:
Did the Cordosol work for you in the end hope it did and your gums stopped bleeding!! :D

Well cordosol ive been taking for ages and ive had the hygenist and the floss

my tooth with the crown is still hurting i can actually get the floss under the crown which can not be right :?

i did mention that tooth hurt the most when i went to the dentist but she didnt seem bothered

ive now got a hold of the emergency dentists and im ringing them tonight
i cant afford to go back to my private dentist agian :(

i do look after my teeth brush mouth wash floss even use dental gum after eating but i think pregnancy with the softening of the gums has loosend the crown im worried about an infection getting in :(

(Even pregnant ladies with pregnant related gum problems need dentists)Cordsol only dose so much!!

Ill let you know what the emergency dentist is like Daisy Rose :wave:
Hi guys

Sorry for crashing in here but does this tooth/teeth thing start as early as 20 weeks? I have woken up this morning with a really sore back tooth it has the feeling that it wants to fall out! :shock:

I have cleaned my teeth really well this morning (i do all mornings it seems to have eased a bit but not completely) sorry may be TMI but they bleed loads and this is totally unusual for me.

I am going to the shops soon to get some Cordosyl thanks for the recommendation ladies but should I definately be trying to locate a dentist just to be on the safe side? I have NHS exemption too, so do I need to be firm if I cant find one?

Thanks for replies in advance
geordie lass said:
Hi Charlie :wave:
Did the Cordosol work for you in the end hope it did and your gums stopped bleeding!! :D:


Yeah the Corsodly really helped with the bleeding and I changed my toothbrush to an extra soft one and started using Sensodyne Total Care, which I didn't realise until I read the packet has something in it that calms the nerves of sensitive teeth and also has something in it that strengthens gums, after 2 weeks on the Sensodyne and with new brush bleeding is much, much better and the sensitivity I was having in one of my teeth is all but gone, only plays up now if I eat an ice cream on it or something, whereas before just eating something luke warm on it made my eyes roll into the back of my head with the pain!

Thanks for all the useful info, it definately helped.

ps. Dentist cancelled my appointment so I'm seeing him in two weeks, I'm private too! But due to liking my dentist I didn't want to leave when he stopped being NHS, he always "super sizes" my injections! (so he says ;-)

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