Bleeding at 10 weeks - positive wishes please


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2013
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So I am feeling cramps and when I wiped after a wee there was red and brown blood.

Triage said to put on a pad. If I am changing it every hour to go to a&e.

I had light bleeding last time and was ok with it it and the pregnancy was fine.. until the birth when my daughter was born not breathing. She now is severely disabled.

Last time I was much more relaxed but after what happened I'm so scared.

I can't be this unlucky, surely?

Im almost 11 weeks and still no midwife appointment. First one is thursday as they are so shortstaffed.
Oh no, such a worrying thing to happen. Not surprised that you are more stressed by these things than before, you've been through so much.

Really hoping that the bleeding stops very soon and everything settles down. You really deserve a happy outcome!
Can you ring your antenatal clinic, explain about mw delay and self-refer for a 12 week scan?

Huge hugs hun, keeping everything crossed your been stays sticky :hugs:

Really hope it's nothing to worry about and the bleeding soon stops xx
How good is your GP? I experienced bleeding in my 2 previous pregnancies, the first one was at 12 weeks and was unfortunately bad news but after speaking to an unhelpful midwife, my GP referred me for an early scan the same day. In my last pregnancy, I already had the EPU details and had a lot of bleeding so would contact them directly each time for advice/scans. That one had a happier ending :)

I have everything crossed for you.xx
Darling go to A&E in the morning they will send you straight down to the EPU for a scan considering your history as well they will take that into consideration.

I know a lady on here angel had a bleed at 10 weeks but her son is fine also Bunny on here had a lot of trouble with bleeds and she is due her daughter soon.

Be as positive as you can be.

But do not wait get to A&E; I went in at 9 & a half weeks with bad cramps & they saw me within the hour!!

Just saw your post on Twitter was hoping it wasn't to do with the pregnancy. I'm really hoping things are ok. I have everything crossed x
Have everything crossed for you hun.

I'm sure baby is fine but like WH says, pop along to a&e if needs be.


Hope everything is okay for you!!
I had a bleed at 8 weeks and at 12 weeks and all was okay and they could never explain where it came from.

It's understandable that you're more worried this time round, but try and think of how many ladies have bleeds and go on to have healthy pregnancies and babies and try and reassure yourself with that. As you said, no one can be that unlucky!!
hi all. thank you for your well wishes.

sadly this baby was not meant to be.
it stopped growing at 8 weeks.

was in hospital until midnight last night then back in this morning for the scan.
obviously im heartbroken. and in considerable pain.
got to decide what to do next ie surgery, wait and see or the pills. no idea what to do.

i wish you all the best of luck and hope to be back on here one day with an actual positive outcome to a pregnancy! (the first one was a positive outcome as she lived. still involved a birth trauma and disability though)
So sorry to hear your news, thinking of you and sending loads of squeezes

Really sorry to hear this :( with regards to d&c or pills, i went with d&c, was in hospital for a day and recovery was quick and preg symptoms went away quickly. Xx big hugs
Very sorry you didn't get the news you wanted. I hope you'll be back here very soon. x

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