Bleeding after sex


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2005
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Ok, well it's embarrassing to ask, but I'd rather ask you lot first than my MW!

I 'did the deed' this morning and afterwards noticed that I was bleeding fresh red blood. Not a lot and it probably seemed more because of what it was 'mixed' with :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: , I am feeling crampy still but I haven't had any more bleeding yet. I thought it's probably normal because my cervix is starting to thin out now (had a bit of a show earlier this week) so it's a bit delicate, but has anyone else experienced this?
Hi Rosieroo, sex what's that? Seriously the last time I had sex=10 days ago I had red blood but only a little, I contacted my midwife who said that after 30+ weeks this can be common is women. You could have an erosion on the cervix which is fine but untreatable. Hope he wasn't to rough with you-that's what my midwife said to me, I was mortified. Apparently you are supposed to avoid "doggy" style as this can cause bleeding too.

Don't know about you but when I have sex now, it feels like i'm loosing my virginity, my OH says I have went all tight and have probs getting it in. Sorry tmi, but that's partly the reason i avoid it!!

Try not to worry about it, but if you are stil concerned give your MW a call.

Hope you are keeping well xxxx
HIYA rosieroo, yes ive had that too. Midwife came on monday and gave me a sweep said i would bleed a bit, which i did but it was mainly just dark brown. When that didnt work me n hubby decided it was time to get down to it, he he he. I had exactly the same as you, fresh red blood, not alot but enough to make you go OH!!! But i have to say we've done the deed evrynight this week and still bubba is not budging and its 6 days overdue now. I dont know.
Yup ive been there too i was 23 weeks though....went in to hospital to get it checked out...bubba was fine. OH was more distraught!

thats a distant memory for me. lol

husband wont come nowhere near me. he got put off when i was pregnant with Joshua. he thinks that he can reach the baby, (he wishes, so do i hehe).

Spoke to the MW just as a precaution and she said that it was probably an erosion or something and it's not worry about.

Don't think I'll be doing that again for a while!!!!!! :shock: (Think DH thought he'd done something terrible!)
Happened to me at 26 weeks - only a bit of blood for a few minutes afterwards and then nothing - midwife said not to worry, could have been a polip or something and as long as it didn't continue it was ok.

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