Bleeding 2 weeks after miscarriage


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2018
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About two weeks ago (2 weeks and 3 days or something) I figured out I was starting to miscarry. I got misoprostol to get the bleeding started since I just had some spotting. I had some bloodwork done on thursday, and today it got back. Low progesterone but HCG still rather high (but not abnormally so my doctor said, its sort of individual how quickly it does away for women, she wanted me to have another blood test in a week).

I havent been bleeding much since I was in the hospital and got misoprostol. (passed two clots there, about 1 inch in diameter Id say after that its been like a light period). Until today that is, I started gushing blood (after I talked to my doctor on the phone ofc, so I couldnt talk to her about it, now its after hours but I might call tomorrow) like seriously. Went through pads in no time, and passed two rather big clots (like 2 inches long, 1 inch wide ). Is that normal like two whole weeks after I took the misoprostol and started bleeding properly? I was 8 weeks along when they told me I had an empty gestational sac measuring about 6 weeks.

I also feel rather tired/dizzy now, maybe its from loosing a lot of blood? Took my blood pressure just now (Im a nursing student so I have a BP monitor), 90/70 (which is a bit lower than my usual, but not very). But I dont think I lost so much blood that its "serious", Im more surprised I started bleeding so much this "late". Does anyone know if this is normal?
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I think it happens differently for everyone so it's always hard to say what is normal. It certainly isn't typical but I wouldn't panic about it unless the heavy bleeding doesn't stop, or gets worse Maybe the medication induced the first bleed but your body didn't fully let go of the pregnancy? I had bleeding for about 6 weeks and just as it was stopping it started heavy again but that seems to have been my first period. My first couple of periods were super heavy. That didn't happen until after hcg had been at 0 for about a week though. When did you last test? Have you had any scans since the MC was confirmed?
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I think it happens differently for everyone so it's always hard to say what is normal. It certainly isn't typical but I wouldn't panic about it unless the heavy bleeding doesn't stop, or gets worse Maybe the medication induced the first bleed but your body didn't fully let go of the pregnancy? I had bleeding for about 6 weeks and just as it was stopping it started heavy again but that seems to have been my first period. My first couple of periods were super heavy. That didn't happen until after hcg had been at 0 for about a week though. When did you last test? Have you had any scans since the MC was confirmed?

I did a HCG on thursday last week, it was pretty hight the doctor said, no scans after I started bleeding no (just the scan confirming there was an empty sac at my docs office, then another scan confirming before I got the misoprostol).
I didn't bleed for a long time. I blocked it all out in afraid but if I had to guess I would say I bled light pink barely touching a pad blood for at least 2 -3 weeks after they told me it was a miscarriage. It was completely natural though. They wouldn't give me any medication. I had a lot of HCG blood tests and the level remained high. They told me I basically needed to bleed a LOT to drop that level and it would come in time... and didn't it just... I think I had maybe 4 really heavy clotty days which then settled back to slightly heavier than pink but still barely marking a pad for another 2 or 3 weeks. My HCG dropped dramatically after those 4 days! Hopefully this is the drugs working for you and it will be over soon. Have they mentioned an early pregnancy unit to you? Mine were great. Phoned them a few times worried about pain and bleeding. Just take a few days TLC for yourself!

I took a pregnancy test, which a week ago was a BFP using midday urine. This is midday urine too, so there might be a stronger line in the morning (my urine was rather concentrated though) and its veeery faint. So thats probably a good sign, right? That the bleeding was the pregnancy tissue being let go by my body. Ive stopped bleeding now (after almost 3 weeks of bleeding).
That looks good. You are definitely getting there. I know when I finally got my BFN after my mc I was so glad. They physical part of the MC is not the worst bit but it sure doesn't help.

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