Bleed next to placenta?


New Member
Apr 7, 2018
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Hiya. I am 15 weeks pregnant and about a week ago I had a scan as I was having some pains and they found I have a small bleed, 22mm (I'm not sure how big that is to be honest) next to my placenta. I havent had any bleeding and other than a bit of pain havent had any issues.. they've told me to just rest, should I be worried? Also what's the opinion on sexual activity? Penetration or oral sex? And anyone know what the success rate is with pregnancies being okay after getting told they have a bleed?? I really have no idea about it :( I have a private scan booked for 2nd March so will see how it's going then! Would appreciated any information about what's going on. Thank you
They are really common, I had a subamniotic (there's another kind too) haematoma that measured 32.4x7mm in my 12 week scan and the doctor kept an eye on it and it had gone by the next scan a week or so later. Sometimes you get some spotting but I didn't, the blood can just get broken down by the body without coming out. Some doctors suggest bed rest but opinion seems divided as to whether that's necessary, mine just said not to go mad with exercise or lifting anything too heavy. I can't remember if they gave me any advice about sex or if I just ignored it because at that point my morning sickness was so bad it was the last thing on my mind anyway!
I've had two subchorionic hematomas. 1 pregnancy didn't end well for me. It spotted right from getting my BFP. It was a very large bleed right above the baby. I ended up having a mmc at 10.5 wks, found at my 12wk scan.

This pregnancy I had an early scan at 7wks due to one sided pain and was told I had another subchorionic hematoma, but this one was much smaller and was positioned near the placenta. I panicked like hell thinking i would lose my baby again. I was told to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, apparently this helps with reabsorbtion, rest when I could and avoid orgasms as it causes the uterus to contract. I did all these and was rescanned at 11wks. The hematoma had completely reabsorbed and was no longer evident on the scan. Never had any spot bleeding either.

I asked the sonographer what causes them and he basically said they didn't know. They said the theory is that it's a bleed caused when either the egg implants or when the placenta forms. He did say though that the majority of them do reabsorbed with no complications.

I think as you've got so far with out spotting you'll likely reabosrbe the bleed without trouble. Xx

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