Bl**dy sausages


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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Ok I'm am well p*ssed off...why can't I cook sausages without a full on fire happening? :shakehead:

Every week OH has to have a sausage sandwich on his return from playing footie and every week I grill them and they spit and flames are bursting out of the grill. I've tried everything but it all results in the same thing...

tonights snags were the worst..beef ones and by god did they catch fire...I was trying to stop the flames by fanning them with a teatowel cos they were too big to pull the grill pan out...smoke alarm goes wakes up...fookin nightmare :roll: :wall: :roll: :wall:
Sounds like the fat off the sausages are spitting onto the elements.... Lower the griddle thing down on the grill and turn the heat down a bit :?

I done the same thing a few years ago and managed to set my dressing gown alight at the same time :?
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: i cook sausages in oven so dont have this problem
As foxxi said, its the fat from the sausage spittin into the element... i usually keep an eye on them and as soon as i see that startin to happen, take them out and pierce them with a fork... seems to work fine
Yeah - oven cook them. Much cleaner and hassle free. God I fancy a sausage sarnie now :lol:
I am exactly the same! I refuse to grill sausages for my OH, for some reason he prefers grilled to oven cooked.

but I ALWAYS oven cook them, no matter what he says.

much safer for me! hehe. I just fly into a flap whenever I hear them spitting, then see flames licking the outside of the oven. eeeeekk!

Its just not right.

Try buying sausages that contain a high % of pork/beef rather than all the other bits of c**p they put in them and you will find no fat whatsoever splurting out. Any sausage over 85% is a good one.

My friend works in an abattoir and wont touch sausages, nor do his wife & kids, he says he knows what goes into them.................I dread to think :puke:

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