Bizarre question - what to wear?


Active Member
May 29, 2007
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Ha ha ha, I know this sounds like the craziest question but what on earth are we supposed to wear in labour? :rotfl:

I guess a t-shirt/nightie of some description but won't it need to be front opening for the vital skin to skin contact post birth? I don't fancy having to whip the whole T-shirt off after over-exerting myself squeezing a baby out of my unmentionables. Also, I'd like something long-ish to keep in tact some dignity during all those dreaded internal examinations at the beginning...

I know this isn't the time for a fashion moment but I've been pondering for some time & still don't know if such an item of clothing exists!

Help.... xxx

When your near to giving birth you really won't mind what you're wearing :wink: I was the same as you, and wanted an 'outfit' for the day, turned out I was just in my nightie, and for that first skin to skin you would rip anything off honestly, it will be just fine whatever you end up in, because it will be your LO's birthday :hug: very best wishes :)
yeh a longish nightie is fine and take a dressin gown for walkin about! with dd i had one with buttons at the collar so she could be tucked inside for skin to skin contact.
take a few nighties tho cus you will want to change out of the one you gave birth in after your bath/shower etc.

I walked into the hospital 4-5cm dilated in my normal clothes (expecting to be sent home!) then a couple of hours later went straight into a bath and then transferred to birth pool where I had Ryan, so I didn't actually walk around the hospital in labour I just got into a bath LOL. Afterwards though I had some loose pyjamas to wear on the ward and a couple of loose strap tops to interchange with the pyjama bottoms. Make sure you take plenty of sanitory towels in nighttime size, or super fat ultra flood size panty liners though! You'll get through more than you expect! And take spare pyjama bottoms...

If you have a Primark, pick up some stuff from there - uber cheap - and don't worry what people will think you look like, before or afterwards... believe me you won't care in the slightest!

:hug: x
I've got a dark nightie for giving birth in with slits so I can BF as soon as poss! Last time I wore a giant tshirt with elephants on it which was hideous but I didn't care as it was comfy! I've bought some lovely jim jams for afterwards too!
I'm still embarrassed about the fact that I stripped off during the transition stage of my first labour! :oops: As soon as I went into transition, it was like a huge adrenilin rush - inciting that 'fight or flight' response and I wanted to leave the building. I started shouting (after 40+ hours in labour) that I couldn't do it, that I was leaving, and somebody better get me something to tie my hair back with or I was going home. At some stage, I also stripped off. :oops:

For my second labour, I had been in the birthing pool until transition when I decided to "leave" again. I got out of the pool and marched down the labour unit, with the midwives running alongside me, trying to cover me up with something (may have been a dressing gown or towel). Somehow, they ushered me into a room and I gave birth on a bed, but I was probably naked the second time too :D

You would have to pull a nightdress or t-shirt - whatever you're wearing - up really high in order to have the baby (and if you're in hospital and they want to fit e.g. a fetal heart monitor strap around you, then whatever you wear has to lift over that), so you'll have no problem when it comes to skin-to-skin contact with your baby afterwards.

Also, don't get anything with sleeves because they might want to fit a drip or check your blood pressure during labour.

Labour wards are very hot, so a short-sleeved nightdress is fine. I'd recommend taking a dressing gown - possibly a lighter one - so you can wear that if you're mobile and want to preserve your dignity in the early stages. But it's true what others say - by the time you're about to give birth, you don't care what you look like (naked or not) or who sees what. Knowing this, it's usually when you're pushing that they ask if 'Trainee Dr. X' or a group of students can come in and watch. :D
Oh, and as for the bleeding afterwards - I over-filled one of those cardboard, kidney shaped bowls that hospitals use the next morning - after I gave birth - with what looked like a huge amount of liver (I thought I had retained the placenta!).

The m/ws explained that the blood had clotted because I'd had my baby at night and went to sleep afterwards, so the blood had pooled inside of me. I got such a shock next morning when I stood up and it felt like my insides were falling out. I waddled to the nurses station and made the m/ws come into a toilet with me to check that my innards weren't going to fall on the floor :?

I'd had no idea how much blood you lost after the birth and it's scary when you're not expecting it. But it's normal.

Expect to lose a lot of blood in the first day - but get the m/ws to check out any blood loss/clots if you're worried. And, yes, take plenty of maternity towels. I might try the tip of using a nappy instead of a maternity pad the first day..
I had a wonderful "pregnant!" tee shirt I wore to the hospital....some how, along the way, I ended up naked and as the tshirt was covered in blood they took it away and burned it :cry: I was so upset. So don't take any nice expensive nighties with you, try and get a cheap enormous tshirt or something you don't mind throwing away after.
im taking a couple of old tshirts with me. like bigggg ones, and nighties,

just incase i wanna be in the pool for a bit, i dont like the idea of being completly naked infront of people, always felt like that,

i put in the ones that are like the thinest and i will be cooler in,

and then after im gunna have my joggies cos they are loose fitting and a nice comofy top to go home in :)
Thanks for all the hints and tips. I'll be getting myself down to Primark to look for something cheap but practical.

Oh and Wendy, thanks so much for that - I've just laughed out loud for about 5 mins after reading your post, :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
I wore my DHs work top (he worked in a warehouse) it was the only thing that would fit me at the end and I never had chance to take it off :oops:

I know, I'm such an idiot. The worst thing about this pregnancy is that I know exactly what I'm letting myself in for (as I've made a complete fool of myself twice before now). At least most of you can go in ignorant bliss!
my labour progressed so fast i didnt have time for anything so had to whip off my trousers and give birth in my t-shirt lol.
didnt mind though as i had a 7 minute delivery WOW
Suzy - Now THAT sounds like the kind of labour I'd like to have! Pity you can't order one of those in your birth plan, eh? Did you make it to the hospital, or just give birth in Asda (or wherever you were at the time)?

Gosh, no, I shouldn't tempt fate. My brother gave me an ominous warning a few weeks' back that I should be careful as 3rd babies can come really quick...knowing me, I'd probably be in B&Q on a Bank Holiday weekend or something...

Ah, now there's a good idea for a new thread: I'll start it now - 'Your ideal birth'.

Thanks, Suzy!

I don't know if they still stock them but at the time I gave borth Asda were selling 2 packs of b/feeding nightshirts for £8 and one had poppers all down the front so was perfect for labour...I am wearing it at the mo ..dead comfy :oops:

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