Bit random and sloppy.......sick bucket may be needed! lol


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2010
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0 me, dh and dd went to our friends wedding....
I love a good wedding....

Anyway.....during the ceremony I started to get really emoitional and started thinking about and remembering the years weve had together, and when we got married etc.

The run up to our wedding and events which took place within the months approaching it with my health rapidly deteriorating in the weeks before....and me being in hopsital 5 days before the wedding pretty ill when he had family and friends telling him we should postpone and I wouldnt hear of it....throughout all of this he stood by me!

I rememberd how he never left my side for 5 weeks when I was extremely poorly during one particular relapse and how he literally did everything for me....taking me to the bathroom in my wheelchair, doing stuff that no man should ever really have to do....waking me every 4 hours to take my meds....stayed with me while I slept through most of xmas and new year .....he stood by me!

When I was medically retired from my job and I lost my driving licence, he became my chaufer and still is never twisiting about having to finish work then come home and see if I want to go out from some fresh air or shopping or for and then he stood by me!

I just have so much admiration for my DH who tbh could have walked away at any time and left me to it....but he didnt....hes sacrificed lots and as always.....he stood by me.

I suppose the point of this is to say I love, admire and respect him more than I could ever have thought possible....and because I like many other women are fast to highlight our DH'setc faults (and believe me he has them too) but we rarely praise the good things they do......

So I thought I would post something positive in the relationship threads....yes they can be prats....they burp and fart and think its funny.....they dont clean the house like we want it done....but the special ones are rare and when we have one....they deserve recongnition.

In my case I believe I have my best friend, my soul mate and a fantastic husband.....and I love him so much......xxxx

Please Note....NO alchohol was consumed in the 24 hours prior to writing this thread lol! I havent lost control of my senses and Im not being bribed to write this lol....Ha...xx
What a lovely thread, and what a lovely man your DH is. Reading that made me cry! x
What a lovely thread, and what a lovely man your DH is. Reading that made me cry! x

Awwwww thanks SM.....

I have to say I do feel very lucky and blessed to have him in my life....when I think of what hes given up and what he continually sacrifices I want to cry at times too.....Im very lucky and appreciate ever second I have with well as DD, and as cheesy as it sounds he's my everything xxx
Aw Wilma, sounds like you had a very spiritual day. I know what you mean, we all have our faults, I never thought I'd find someone like my OH after 7 years with my ex I didn't believe people like my OH existed!! There are some good ones out there! :hug:
You are very lucky to have found him!!
Aw Wilma, sounds like you had a very spiritual day. I know what you mean, we all have our faults, I never thought I'd find someone like my OH after 7 years with my ex I didn't believe people like my OH existed!! There are some good ones out there! :hug:

Ahh absolutely Megs.....I often find myself just thinking about him....why I first fell in love with him....and I just think OMG when I hear what some women go through with their OH...I just get overwhelmed at times....But yes your totally right there def are some great blokes out there and its sad that they all get tarred with the same brush isnt it.... Hooray for all our GREAT blokes! xxx
You are very lucky to have found him!!

Hey Kiki....definately! Very very lucky and I do know and appreciate that and him and everything he does for me and us as a family! ;-) xxx
Aw hon - that is lovely - makes you appreciate them, eh xx
Absolutely Karen.....mind when hes snoring and keeping me awake all night I might not be saying such nice things about him lol! How are you doing? xx
Aww bless seems like you got a great man there :) i like to think my OH would be like this too x
:hug: ahh hun that was so wonderful it moved me to tears! :)
Ahhh thanks becks and tiny....just think we need to give credit where credit is due sort of thing....I wouldnt swap him for anything....well i would consider it for a 3ft bar of cadburys tho! lol xxx
Aw this is so lovely to read! He's very very similar to my OH and as much crap we've been through he'd do anything for me and this has just made me realise how lucky we are! x x
Awww what a lovely post wilma!My OH is the best friend ive ever had and reading your thread makes me think how lucky i am to have him too xxx
Aw this is so lovely to read! He's very very similar to my OH and as much crap we've been through he'd do anything for me and this has just made me realise how lucky we are! x x

Absolutely Helen....they are real gems arnt they.....I have to keep reminding myself how lucky I am lol glad you ahve a diamond there too xxx
Awww what a lovely post wilma!My OH is the best friend ive ever had and reading your thread makes me think how lucky i am to have him too xxx

Thanks Nat....Glad I could put things into perspective a little...I do overlook him at times and its not intentional its simply coz life gets in the way but I hear from friends so often how their OHs etc are so bad to them and treat them really bad and I just think to myself thank god Ive got him....his worst fault is he takes an hour to hoover the stairs...but then I remind myself if thats the worst thing I can think of then I need to think myself very very lucky......and I do.....xxxx
an awareness that the stairs needs to be hoovered is very impressive!! :rofl: I know what you mean, its easy to moan about the small stuff, and then you watch jeremy kyle and think...OMG I love my man so much!!
Ha lol yeah the lawns take three!!! lol ha but yes we are very lucky and like you say when you see and hear about some of the blokes out there I have to keep pinching myself lol xxx
The worst thing about watching jeremy kyle is listening to the peoples accents and realising that 2 out of the 3 stories on it are people from your surrounding area, and they are screeching at each other and have ten different blokes lined up for dna tests.

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