Bit random and sloppy.......sick bucket may be needed! lol

I watched one once where the girl wasnt sure who the father was out of 2 blokes and she was quite young, had lost her virginity to her boyfriend but then cheated around the time she got pregnant. She swore blind it was a one night stand one off thing and was begging her boyfriend to take her back. When they did the DNA results neither of them were the father and she caved and admitted there were 4 potential fathers!!!! GOOD GRIEF!
Oh I felt like crying reading that. What a lovely husband you have hun. I am sure he feels exactly the same way for you.

I know our situations are different, but my OH was like that just after I had my little boy Luke-he died aged 2 days old. I had a c section and I developed a terrible infection,-the same one that killed my little boy :cry: And I was literally bed bound for 3 weeks after the operation. Most mums are up and walking a few days after, it took me ages to recover.
He cleaned me, shaved me, helped me get up, helped me lie down, got me anything I wanted....and loads of other things and I truly appreciate the 3 weeks he really took care of me. it made me appreciate him so much more and it made us stronger xxx
Ah diddy Im so sorry for your sounds like you have a wondeful husband too....and its thigs like this isnt it that make us appreciate how much they do for us and how much they mean to us.....xxxx

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