bit personal, but.....have any of you gone bonking bonkers?


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2006
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this might be a bit too personal but it's not really something I can ask my family if you know what I mean. Bit of background 3 months ago i miscarried but after that my AF went back to normal 21 days. this month about ovulation time i had some spotting after naughties, thought nothing of it but the whole week after that I was like a woman in a frenzy. My poor oh couldn't keep up. AF was due yesterday and has not arrived but now I am just too tired to want to have any "cuddles".
I all so had really bad headaches last week, I usually get them a cpl of days b4 AF but they had gone by thursday when I should have had them.
I impaitently did a test in the early hrs but I hadn't slept and had been drinking loads of water all evening, so I wasn't suprised it was neg.
I am going to test monday but I was just wondering if anyone else wehn bonking bonkers :)????
Me me me @ bonkers!

I go off my OH when I have those lovely hormones! I definitely go off sex even hugs but I don't notice this bit! :think: Also get very ratty like I would while I have AF.

If you had diluted water the test may not of picked up the significant HCG needed if pregnant. Retest using first morning water & good luck :D
I was on the pill but was 4 hours late coming back from holiday and when we've worked out when Ive conceived it was a week when I wouldnt leave him alone, I put it down to the temperatures at the time but apparantly when a woman ovulates she actively seeks out a partner to reproduce.
at least I know I am not a mad woman....even if my OH thinks I am. Poor guy gets to rest up some now :lol:
I was thinking I was half rabbit and now I am half snail. I slept for 4 hrs today, I am sooooooo tired
i have gone off BD in a big way since BFP we haven't touched each other for 4 weeks!! (thats not true we do cuddle and kiss just nothing more - thank god!!) im just so tired but to be honest OH said hes not complaining for a minute hes glad of the rest!! plus the fact he has a new motorbike and a rowing machine to keep him occupied!! :lol:
I was addicted to a little bedroom action, but I have had to lay off it the last few days as I get a little bit uncomfortable afterwards with slight cramping like twinges in my abdomen! :shock:

Also I am so bloated at the moment, I am just not comfortable to start with, plus the nausea isn't helping :(

But OH is absolutley fine about it, especially as when I got my BFP I told him no "cuddles" til after 12 as things have gone, he should have had enough action til then if I need that long :wink:
Bonked my way through first tri, felt sooo sexy with my new big boobs!!

It has died off now in second tri-but when we do manage it we both find it is extra nice-increased sensitivity for me (sorry TMI :oops: :shock: ) and OH says he feels closer to me than ever now I am carrying his baby

Enjoy!! xxxxx

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