bit of advice on bleeding


New Member
Sep 3, 2011
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hi there im fairly new to this.
im currently 10 weeks pregnant and i have been experiencing some spotting Ive had it now for about 3 days, i didn't call the midwife until today as i have had a baby before and thought it might not be that bad.

i dont mean to sound disgusting but the blood is like medium pink and is only there when i wipe is only came down a wee bit onto panty liner this morning. im not having any cramps or high temp

the midwife said there is nothing they can do all i can do is if it gets worse to call nhs 24 but to wait until monday to phone my own dr who will maybe refer me to an early pregnancy unit.

i just thought that it if it was a miscarriage the blood would change quickly and i would start getting the red darker blood by now??

anyone else have any problems with this? im getting a bit stressed about it.
hiya hun, didnt want to read and not reply.
i think it woulda gonna red and darker by now thats what happened to me wen we lost ours.
i dont think u'v got anythin to worry about.
some people have bleeding lik what ur gettin all the way through.
try not to worry n go the docs on mon:)
I don't know the answer but if - were u - would go to a and e! They have mobile scanners there so should be able to scan u and will test ur wee etc!!! Good luck darling xx
Bleeding should be investigatedat hospital Hun, they should scan you. Hope all is ok xx
try not to worry too much, i have had bleeding on and off since i got pregnant, it just seems to be one of those things.
everything softens up when your pregnant which could could cause bleeding.
I would go to epu hun, just to be sure. Better to get any bleeding checked out xx
As other say, best to get any bleeding checked out. xx
I had alot of bleeding on wed tmi but went through jeans bit but I had scan and baby was fine I was 11+ 1. Try not to worry hunny :) x
thanks for advice went to a+e but got told to wait it out at home and try and get a scan on monday, heres hoping it will be ok.
Fingers crossed Hun, it doesn't sound serious I know when I mc it went from spotting to full af type in 24hrs :(
Stay positive Hun and bleeding is really common x x
Hope your ok, hopefully they will scan you Monday just to put your mind at rest xxxx
Yes got to agree with Sue, when i mc it defo got worse quite quickly. I had blood when i wiped for 1 day then the next day it got heavier. Hope ur ok today, and good luck for tomorrow xx

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