Bit of a worrying week but all excited now :)


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2011
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Bit of a long one this....

I had my first midwife appointment last Tuesday and she put me at 9 weeks as I couldn't remember when my last period was.

I had a feeling I was possibly a few weeks more so was disappointed to receive my scan date on Friday for February 24th - what a wait! There was nothing earlier so we decided to go ahead a book a private scan for a number of reasons, but mainly because we were getting married in August and need to give 6 months notice to cancel if we want any money refunded. The scan was all booked for Sunday.

Anyway I woke up on Saturday and had started bleeding.. I wouldn't say it was loads but I'd call it more than 'spotting'. Phoned hospital and they told me to keep an eye on it and to call again if it gets heavy or worse.

Woke up on Sunday and was bleeding a bit heavier now. It was bright red and there was a couple of clots (sorry if tmi). As soon as I saw the clots I went into a bit of a panic - didn't have pain though, more of a dull ache.

Anyway... cancelled private scan, went to hospital, they gave me a scan there and then and there was my little baby, kicking me, turning over, having a drink (I didn't even know they did this!!) and I was told it was very healthy. The midwife also put me at 12 weeks and 6 days and gave me a due date of 8th August:dance:

Nothing can describe the way it feels seeing your baby for the first time moving about - we are just over the moon. Also a little relieved that we didn't wait until the scan date I was given as I would have been nearly 17 weeks then - eek!

I'm still a bit worried though as I'm still bleeding but it seems to be only during the night which is odd. My urine sample came back as maybe showing a sign of infection, but they were sending it off for a more detailed analysis and said they would let me know if anything was wrong.
bet that was a relief and lovely to see :)

what have you decided to do about the wedding...i am due beginning of octobere, going by last period and getting married at end of November :)

Hi Samsgirl

Yeah, it was a huge relief.

We have decided to cancel the wedding - we were due to wed on the 28th August and baby's due on the 8th. If baby's late (as most of them are), we thought it might be a bit stressful having it so close... besides I'd bought my dress and want to fit into it!

We were lucky as we hadn't put much money down and our venue hadn't asked for a deposit yet so we've not lost much money - only about £250 in all. Maybe I'll be a Mrs next year instead ;-)

You'll be fine getting married at end of November as there's a bigger gap... I guess you just have to try and not get too stressed about the organising of things nearer the time x
Congratulations Dani, you must feel so relieved after such a nasty shock.
Can't wait to see my little bean!
yeah, everything is more or less orgnaised to be honest and my mum is brilliant and will help me with the final preperations....

all i will need to do on the day is have my hair and makeup done, feed my baby and turn up!! he he xx
Thanks Binzy!

Samsgirl it will be extra special too having your baby there x
yeah...thats why my OH jumped me when i was ovulating...ha ha...he wanted it to be the 3 of us xx
Ha ha - hilarious. He couldn't have timed it better!!
oh he knew i was 'ripe' lol..cos i was using ovulation testing kits as contraception...ha ha.......laughable isnt it..oh well fates way. obvioulsy meant to be xx
Yeah... these things happen I suppose. I was on the pill but had run out and kept meaning to go to the doctors but never got round to it lol.

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