Bit Of A Moan


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2010
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Hi All

I'm nearly 11 weks pregnant and I just wanted a wee moan!! I am sooooo tired and sqeamish all the time - I am excited to be pregnant, my body is starting to change shape a wee bit and my scan is on 25th Oct 2010 but I cannot wait for this bit to pass.

My life at the moment seems to be get up and try not to be sick, try and eat brekkie, go to work, make sure that I eat during the day and take plently snacks with me, leave work as soon as possible, go home, put pj's on, hubby cooks the tea and I either eat it or force it down, bed by 9pm and then up at least twice during the nite either to wee or because I can't sleep.

When do I start to glow? Sorry guys just feeling sorry for myself cause there seems to be no getting away from feeling sick all the time :(

Ok rant over!!! Promise that I will post a nice happy thread next time! :)
Oh sweet, I feel your pain...and I'm not nearly as far gone as you! Just think of the lil bundle of joy that will come at the end of all this.xx
i also feel your pain, daily routine is identical to yours! and i work weekends too :-(

hopefully this should ease up by 12 weeks and we will start 'glowing'! x
Oh Cherelle, working weekends too must be a right pain! I'm so tired by the weekends I HAVE to sleep for most of them!xx
LOL - I know!!!! I'm rubbish at not feeling very well, some people cope really well with it but I'm not one of them!!! We r off out tonite so hoping that will help just get my mind off it!!! Thanks for your sympathy tho!! It really helps!! xxxxx
Cherelle - I count the hours to 4pm every friday!!!! I'm also sleeping most of the weekend!!!! At least I'm close to 12 weeks, fingers crossed that the symptoms will ease off - the thing is that I know these are all good signs for a healthy pregnancy but its hard going!!! LOL xxxxx
Awww hun, sorry your feeling a bit down atm. Itll get better soon, although I have to say im almost 21 weeks and my 'glow' seems to be evading me :shakehead: Im still pasty and white xxx
Im the same apart from my bedtime has gone early and early, im dragging myself to bed about 8!
There is light and the end of the tunnel and it does get better x x

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*hugs* I feel for you Hun. I'm feeling similar but left my job two weeks ago so at least I don't have to go in feeling like death warmed up lol. I don't think I e ever felt this tired but it's for a good cause so I don't mind so much. If I was just feeling this way for nothing then I'd be annoyed haha!
X x x x
I was soooo the same as you!!! It feels like there's no light at the end of the tunnel, and you just want to hibernate for the rest of your pregnancy! I know the feeling. Basically I started feeling better at 18 weeks and now I feel great! So there is hope I promise x
This is my life too! I made an effort and stated up till 10.30 last night and have paid for it today... Totally exhausted. In my pjs now! Gotta be chuffed really though eh? :)
Oy, I feel your pain also D: I'm still quite a few weeks behind you, but so far I've only had about 4 days where I haven't had sickness all day....and on those 4 days I worried the entire time because I felt nothing! Sometimes you just can't win ;)
LOL - thanks guys, well I went out on Fri nite and we had a good time but did feel sick most of the nite but my friend is pregnant too so at least we could compare symptoms!!! I sat and watched X-Factor and Piers Morgan last nite and managed to stay awake til 11pm - but im knackered today!!!! I will need to keep thinking this will not last forever :) On a positive note tho I have a wee belly bump - I lost two stone before I fell pregnant and told my hubby that Inow look like I have been over doing the chocolate!!! xxx Roll on a few weeks time!!!
Yay for a wee bump :)
I have been so lazy the last 2 days. It seems like I am hibernating lol.

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