Eating Like a Hog! Also...


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2007
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Well after a few weeks of feeling queasy and being sick a lot of the time I am finding myself wanting to eat...all of the time. I eat something, about an hour later, start feeling queasy again, eat some more and the sick feeling goes.

I was talking to my OH and he suggested that I ask on here if any of you mums had this during pregnancy, once the baby was born did it want to eat a lot? Just wondered if there might be a connection.

Seriously I have never been so hungry than the past week! :?

my queasiness has eased the last few days and I want to eat for England. I am trying to have as much nutritious food as poss as all I could eat when I was queasy was crackers, toast and for some bizarre reason

pot noodles ??? the worse junk food ever...

good luck and if you feel like cos when nausea strikes it is awful xx
I know exactly how you feel!! I'm going into my eighth week and cannot stop eating every 1-2 hours! It's driving me crazy because I've already gained 6 pounds! However, it seems to be the only thing that keeps my queasiness at bay :( I've given in and decided I'll worry about the weight's not the time to diet.

I'm currently splitting my meals in half and eating them 1-2 hours apart so that I don't go overboard in caloric intake. I usually buy a soup and sandwich for lunch while at work (no processed meat of course), and I eat each half about an hour apart...that eases my guilt and helps with the nausea.
I keep saying I have the appetite of Godzilla!! OK, I'm a foody at the best of times but between 6 and 10 weeks it was INSANE, now I'm just eating alot but a bit less. I didn't get the sickness just the most unbelievable drive to eat - I swear I would have eaten street dropped sandwiches sometimes!

Not surprisingly I'm showing at 12 weeks - although it seems a bit squishy to be blaming just bub!

Still, no regrets, the food was lush and I don't like sweets so mostly nutritious too... :rotfl:
God i hated the sickness no matter what i seemed to eat it made me ill and it was a pain being sick everyday from 6wks throught til 20+wks :x
i've switched suddenly from not feeling like eating anything, to being completely insatiable. Yesterday i had 4 pieces of toast for breakfast which cramped me up with hunger so i had a packet of macaroni cheese. Today I had a pancake while i was out, which again only made me hungrier and i had to buy a pack of pancake mix which i promptly made up and ate a further 6 pancakes!!!!!
today has been all eggy bread with sugar and rice pudding!

seems my body wants milky floury sugary things :lol:

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