Bit of a cheeky thing to ask.


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2010
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I had a scare about a week ago with alot of pain in my tummy, bac and shoulders, was in a&e with what was thought was an ectopic pregnancy. Was told it isnt, but my doctor said if Im at all concerned to give her a call when Im 6-7 weeks and she will get me an early scan to put my mind at rest.
I still have pains in my tummy and am still a little bit worried something is wrong.
But obviously Im not really worried or id be down there now asking what is wrong.
Would it be wrong to ask for a scan to put my mind at rest even though Im not in agony or anything? :think:
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Go and see the doc again, and describe what you are feeling now, see what they say, if they still offer, go for it, and offer is an offer and may put your mind at ease.
I had a scare about a week ago with alot of pain in my tummy, bac and shoulders, was in a&e with what was thought was an ectopic pregnancy. Was told it isnt, but my doctor said if Im at all concerned to give her a call when Im 6-7 weeks and she will get me an early scan to put my mind at rest.
I still have pains in my tummy and am still a little bit worried something is wrong.
But obviously Im not really worried or id be down there now asking what is wrong.
Would it be wrong to ask for a scan to put my mind at rest even though Im not in agony or anything? :think:
I rem when i was 9 wks pregnant with my lil boy and i suffer IBS and i was doubled in pain and thought it had got to have harmed baby as i couldnt even stand due to pain. I went to GP and got referred to hospital I had to exaggerate syptoms as i reckon they would say just IBS go away but I was going abroad for 2 wks a few days later and knew id never rest not knowin if baby ok or enjoy family hol. hospital made me wait 5 hours!! but stuck it out and got to see our lil beany floating around happy as larry lol. His just turned 2 now but at that time i was so concerned, i cried when i saw he was ok and really put my mind at rest. So i would say i would if helps ease your mind.

i would go see your doc if it is still there the chance of an eptopic pregnancy i wouldnt risk and it would put your mind at ease too i had to have an early scan coz they throught there might only be a little bit of a chance as i was hurting around 7 weeks and it was getting slightly worse i wasnt luckily but i felt so much better when my mind was at ease knowing the risk factors of an eptopic x
i had and early scan at 4 weeks it had to be a vaginal scan but they were just checking to see if the baby was growing in the right place as i was having terrible pains, i still have pains sometimes and all is well, had 6 early scans in total last being last monday for my 12 week scan but was measuring slightly smaller so need to go back this thursday xx
Thanks for the advice :)
I think I will go to my doctors when Im just over 6 weeks and see what she has to say, and if she still offers me a scan then why not :)

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