Bit grim and TMI but I need your help!


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2009
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I found that I healed up very quickly after birth and was back to normal 'down there' within 2 weeks and never experienced any back passage pain at all...however....out of nowhere over the past 2 days when I go for a number 2 I have the most excruciating pain as though I have cuts round the exit and there is blood too when I wipe (tmi!)- what the hell is this and how do I stop it. I've checked the area and can't find evidence of piles and have never had these before but is it possible that's what it is? I need the pain to stop because I'm now terrified of going for a no 2 because of the pain.
are you constipated? i know its TMI but i have this sort of issue when im constipated :blush: x
Have you been a bit constipated? You may have anal fissures which are little cuts around the anus where the skin has torn. It's usually associated with constipation and will heal on it's own if your stools are soft enough and you just keep the area as clean as you can. You can also get internal piles where they are just inside. Have you had any bleeding with it? I had the fissures before which sounds like what you are describing.
I have had this exactly after my babies birth...have gone to the doctors and he has given me a lactose solution tp try and make softer and easier to go. Hoping it will work
My dh asked me the same thing re constipation and I honestly don't know as I've been so busy looking after Ella that I've not noticed. All I know is that now I am in lots of pain every time I go to the loo around the exit point :( I know that the stools have been hard though but I have been going. I thought that constipation was when you haven't been able to go.
For a couple of weeks after I had Lucas I swear I needed G&A to have a number twooooo. I bled every time and the pain was terrible, I never seen a doc about it but it did get better eventually. I can't offer any advice on the cause but it should get better in time :hug: it's really not nice xx
Drink lots if water hunni everything "tightens" after birth to go back to "how it was" so if you soften your poop you will prob be ok I was like this after zander and it wasn't piles just too big/hard for me to pass without hurting tearing/bleeding so ohh try senekot that's what got me through and 100% breastfeeding safe too xxxx

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Lots n lots of water to soften it and make it a bit easier to go x
Omg I was just talking about how I was like this before! I used to grip the sink and the wall and I swear I was barely even sat on the seat! I took lactulose which I'd Bern given cos I had a 3rd degree tear and tgat helped! It defi gets better tho!
I can not comment on after birth issues as not been there yet but what you are expalining sounds EXACTLY what I have only just recently recovered from. For the space of probably 2 or more years I was terrified of going to do a poop because the pain was the worst thing I had ever experienced, I used to literally scream and cry, it felt impossible that I could actually get it out! (Sorry TMI)
I was too embarassed to seek help for the first year but when it showed no hope of improving no matter what creams I used I HAD to go or I swear I would probably have actually tried to stop going tot he toilet.
I saw a consultant who diagnosed anal fissures and very small internal piles near the exit which were getting 'rubbed' each time I went to the toilet nad the fissures would just keep splitting each time I statred to poop which then created the blood and pain.
I was given Lactulose to try and softent he poops and also given vaious creams, some steriodal but nothing seemed to work or keep it away, I had the best luck with using Betnovate which healed it up but then as soon as I stopped using it, it would reacure again. I gave up with the consultant because he told me that the only way to heal it after all that had been tried I would need to have surgery on my sphinta (not sure of the spelling) but after doing some research and finding out it can cause incontinece and not actually a gaurenteed result I have decided to say a firm no to that.
I ended up just using a baby (non parfumed) wash for my bum, drying it properly and wipeing gently after going to the toilet.
Drinking lots of water helps too as it softens the poop naturally and keeps you hydrated.
I also used a cream ment for sore nipples from Tesco I think it was a camamile one which I found soothed it slightly.
my midwife told me you get more dehydrated after having a baby cos your body uses your fluids for breastmilk as a priority. i think your poo must get lowest priority! i was told to drink extra water than i usually do. hope you are better soon xxx
Thanks all- it still hurts but I got some lactulose today and am drinking lots of water- hopefully that'll do the trick. Xx

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