Birth Plans - What have you wrote???

First Baby White

Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2007
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I am just about to write my birth plan and I want to make sure I havent missed anything. Would you let me know what you have written or some headings!!!
I can't help I'm afraid as all mine consists of is;

"Immediate skin to skin contact if possible"


"Mum to cut the cord"

Sorry! :hug: Good luck with it. It'll be interesting to hear the final thing as I love reading birth plans :D xx
Danni i think yours is going to be the same as mine........ thats if i ever get round to writing mine.

I'm waiting to go through mine with the midwife and let her write it all down for me.
I haven't done one yet! :shock:

I don't think I'm going to go into much detail to be honest-from what I've heard they don't tend to get looked at very often and the whole thing gets forgotten about.
I have been putting this off as I have no idea what to write but I know I have to get it done and soon. I'd love to read someones to get an idea of what to put in it.
I'm not writing one, I didn't get a chance to with my first as my waters broke early.

Mines short enough to just tell them what I want, open minded with regards to pain relief, we want to find out the sex ourselves and I want baby delivered straight onto me - sorted :D
I know I had a homebirth but I did write a birth plan for both home and hospital. And believe it or not, I did actually pretty much achieve everything on it :) Mind you my MW and I were on the same page with regards to how we hoped to do things so most of it was never even mentioned during labour and delivery.

Things like the umbilical cord stopping pulsing before being cut (meant to be beneficial for LO). Also keeping it as natural and as hands off from the MW as possible. She pretty much left me to it and only stepped in when I looked to her to and at the actual point of delivery. I had one check to see how far I was dilated during first stage and then again when second stage kicked in and I was fully dilated and really started pushing. Also delivered the placenta in my own time without the injection (meant to be better for post natal bleeding apparently - I personally had heavy bleeding for 2 days then it practically stopped).

I had a fair list, all condensed and focused and it was good to be able to experience pretty much everything. I perfer natural over medical so my birth plan reflected this (unless there were good medical reasons to ignore my hopes/wishes)

I think whatever makes you comfortable. The things I mentioned above meant a great deal to me as I believe in as natural as possible and clamping and cutting the cord as soon as baby is born (unless real medical emergency) never seemed right to me, so I wanted to wait. Same for being speeded up if labour was slow. Not keen at all. Same with the placenta. I had skin on skin with LO right after birth and then delivered placenta 20 minutes later. Meant LO was with me all that time rather than me worrying about pushing again a few minutes later etc.
there was a post about birth plans a month or so ago which i used to help me write mine, its flexible as obviously labours dont always go to plan but its a few pointers, here it is.......

•I would like my partner Ken to be with me

•I want to move around and use tens, beanbags and ball in early labour. Then will get in the pool when I feel ready, id also like to try a bath if possible.

•I would like to be able to eat and drink if I feel like it.

•I would like baby’s heartbeat to be monitored with a handheld Doppler at intervals

•I will cope with the pain by walking around, using a tens machine, using a ball or beanbag, birthing pool, bath, paracetemol, gas and air

•I'd like to try and avoid drugs such as morphine/pethidine but will have them if needed.

•I don't mind vaginal examinations if necessary but don't want to get out of the pool if it can be avoided

•I would like to deliver in the pool if possible

•I would like baby delivered onto my chest

•My partner would like to cut the cord and I would like him to tell me the sex.

•I would like an injection to help deliver the placenta

•After birth I would like skin to skin contact and an opportunity to breast feed if I decide to (not made up my mind).

• I would like baby to have the vitamin k injection

• I don't want to go to hospital unless absolutely necessary as I am very nervous of the hospital and feel being at home will relax me more

•.I would like local Anaesthetic for any stitches required

•I would like to be kept updated about my progress and what will happen next as I feel this will keep my mind at rest
I've just be jotting down "do's and don'ts" so far, but will put them all together in a birth plan soon. Here's what I've got so far.

This is my first baby and I will be accompanied by my husband James We hope that this birth plan will enable you to guide us through my labour and afterwards, yet we also understand that things can change, and will be happy to take your advice should the well-being of me or my baby be compromised.”

My ideal labour/birth is stay active as long as I can and to have as natural birth as possible, preferably just using gas and air and the pool for pain relief.

I would like to be encouraged to resist additional pain relief initially if I request it. Thereafter I’d like to options given to me so I can decide from there.

I want my husband James to cut the cord.

I only want to be spoken to when necessary or in encouragement to allow me to concentrate on my breathing.

I would prefer only female staff where possible.

I don’t mind one student being present but only one and the same one throughout (e.g if she goes off shift, I don't want another student to take her place)

As mentioned I want to move around and would prefer to give birth on all fours or on my knees leaning against pillows if on the bed.

I would like to use the birthing pool for pain relief along with gas and air, I will see how I get on in there before I decide if I want to actually give birth in the pool. I would also like my husband to get in the pool with me if we want him to.

I do not want an episiotomy unless absolutely necessary and only as a last resort.

I would prefer intermittent monitoring unless continuous monitoring is necessary, so that I can stay active

I would like to allow 45mins – 1 hour to deliver the placenta naturally before intervention. I want to ensure I am asked/informed before an injection is given.

When the baby is born I would like him or her to have skin to skin contact with BOTH James and I as soon as possible.

Overall, I only would only want additional pain relief if I have been continuously demanding it.

I would only want medical intervention if it is absolutely necessary for the safety of our baby or me.
i havn't done one, i'm just going to 'go with the flow' :lol:
no doubt if i did a birthplan i wouldn't end up sticking to it anyways!

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