Birth Plan!


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2006
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Hiya everyone!

I have just got back from my midwife and we have discussed my birth plan! It was all a bit sureal and it really brought things home that this is going to happen whether I am ready or not!!!!!! I nearly started crying when she was talking about the skin to skin contact and whether hubby would cut the cord!

I know that these things are used for guidance and are probably chucked out the window as soon as we get there! but I guess this is another milestone of pregnancy and it means that I am now getting closer to the big day!

Oooooh how exciting, I feel like you when I think about the birth too Lyndsey, really freak myself out sometimes!!

Is it routine for the MW to talk about the birth plan nearer the time? I was told to make some notes in my maternity folder in a section called 'birth preferences' but wasnt sure whether I had to discuss it later on?
We never really discussed it, we just kinda got told tell them what you want when you get there, and make sure your birthing partner knows aswell. Write them down for back up if you want to.
Mine just said no pethadine, and agree with me no matter what :rotfl:
lol Yeah I have said something similar sami - I went today and asked about it and we did it there and then. Don't know if it is routine or not? Took about 5 minutes! lol
Sami said:
We never really discussed it, we just kinda got told tell them what you want when you get there, and make sure your birthing partner knows aswell. Write them down for back up if you want to.
Mine just said no pethadine, and agree with me no matter what :rotfl:

:rotfl: :rotfl:

I 'test' Richard regulary as to what pain relief I DONT want, im paranoid he is going to forget the word Pethadine and say 'oh yeah let her have it'

I asked my midwife about the birth plan, she just told me to go home and write what I want on it...they prefer you to write what you DO want rather than what you don't want...Thats what she told me...

I diddn't make much of a bithplan though as nothing ever seems to go to plan anyway, but when I showed it to my midwife she commented on how sensible it was lol :lol: And encouraged skin to skin contact straight away too, so that got added on.

Mine just conists of about 5-6 bullets stating what I really want.
I filled the whole birth preference page in my notes up. I havn't spoken to my midwife about it and I thought I should probably write something as labour could start at any time now. I have written who I want with me during labour and the pain relief I might want and what I am not keen on having. I have also written that I don't know what position I want to be in as this is my first time but that I will do whatever is most comfortable for me at the time and maybe try having a bath. I then put that I would prefer it if I had females looking after me although if not possible then that is fine and that I don't want any students coming in unless it is just one and they are female. I then ended the plan with saying I wanted the baby delivered on to me for skin to skin contact and that I am going to try to breastfeed. I wrote the thing about students as I have heard horror stories from my friends about a group of students piling in and all having a poke of their bits which I am not keen on that happening. If anyone is stuck with their birth plan there is a section in the NHS pregnancy book about writing it. When they read mine they will probably think christ you don't want a lot do you :rotfl:
I need to write mine and make OH memorise it! I can seem them asking him and it all being a bit too much, bless.

Do you put your named birth partners in your birth plan? The hospital let me have two (OH and my mum), but im not sure where they need to be noted.

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