Birth Plan Done, Bag Packed, Just Got To Wait Til Friday Now!


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2010
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Hi Ladies :wave:

Just got back from my midwife, We finally did my birth plan!! was the easiest birth plan ever i think! so i am all ready now, scan on friday and then i will no if im being induced or not.. if i do have to be, will i be induced that day or be given a day to come in? When i found out that i might have to be induced i thought that my water birth was out the question due to being kept on the monitor, but MW said that i can still go in the pool, just have to wear the monitor that is allowed in the water :) never knew that! :)

Im measuring 32cm, and i asked about little man gaining 10oz in 2 weeks, apparently thats not a great weight gain.. so it all depends on fridays scan now!!

Has any one put anything in particular in their birth plan? or are most of you just going to go with the flow? xx
I'm going to pretty much be a go with the flow... Only specific things really are I'd like to deliver the afterbirth naturally and OH wants to cut the cord... But being at home it'll probably be "go with the flow" anyway lol

Not sure about your induction :/ I'd think they give you a day to go in rather than just you go in for a scan, and then... Oh yeh, time to induce you... Would be a bit of a shock... xx
cant comment on birth plan hun sorry hopefuly dong mine tommorow at me 32week scan and appointment a would say if they decided to induce you the maybe bring u back in but all depends on ur scan when a had me little 1 6 years ago a got induced the day of scan because he had stopped growing all together wasnt enough waters so a would say all depends and go with flow see what happens and gl with it hun xx
I'm going with the flow and staying open minded. I have a very low pain threshold and will probably ask for an epidural as soon as it's possible to have one! The only thing I've really written down is that OH doesn't want to cut the cord because he's squeamish! x
Hi hun :wave:

I used the template in the yellow notes and wrote out my birth plan based on that; alot of mine is go with the flow but like you want to use the pool and stay mobile/at home for as long as poss etc Have been quite specific about no pethidine and the fact I want to avoid an epidural unless it's advised to help progress labour etc

Can't wait to hear what the news is on Friday, they might say come back in to be induced on the following Monday or something? xx
Mine really consists on 'get baby out as easily as possible. Have cup of tea.'! I'm open to anything really, only thing i don't want is an epidural as i have fluid on the bottom of my spine from a bad riding accident and i'm a bit anti needles in spine! I think intravenous and copious amounts of champagne the entire way through would help though..!
my birth plan is kind of up in the air at the moment, because i am not sure if he is still breech (will find out on thursday)... will then see MW for home visit on friday.

i do know that i will put -
skin to skin contact immediately,
that i want chord to stop pulsing before it is cut,
that i want to try BF immediately,
will try to deliver placenta normally,
be mobile, including having a mobile epidural (although not sure if i will have one)
not to be confined to bed, but allowed to walk about and deliver in any position i feel is best.
no forceps or vantose or episotomy unless medically imperative

of course, these options all depend on how labour is progressing, so you need to be fairly open minded!
I have no birth plan at the moment...I think that I'm just gona go with the flo cos I either go into labour and deliver vaginally before 3rd August or I'm in for a c-section that day. All feels like its up in the air at the mo. Soooo I'm trying to chill and have a motto of roll with it and what happens, happens iykwim.

I don't know how they'd work the induction...suppose it depends on what info they get from your scan hunni. Hope all goes well on Friday and keep us posted, if you can, as to how you get on. Bestest of luck. x
Thanks girls, I'm definitely feeling the go with the flow method and a nice cuppa tea!! :) induction might not even go ahead, that's the worst part now is not knowing what's going to happen or when! I suppose if they decided to induce me they will just do it whenever there is time for me! Only 3 more sleeps! Xx
Ooh good luck hon!! Hope the scan goes ok, and at least your still ok for your water birth :) I've done my birth plan same as the others in I'll go with the flow and do what needs to be done but my preferences are to be active and allowed to move around, no pethidin, to try and follow the natalhypnobirthing, no student drs observing, immediate skin2skin if poss, and for baby to have vitamin k injection,
To be honest I have no expectations as anything could happen I guess, although I will be adding cuppa tea to my bp now and make it non-negotiable :rofl:
my midwife hasn't gone through my birth plan with me :s

i know if i can i'd like to do it without any meds but we will see, i'll do what's needed really! would like to use the pool but have to wait and see if its in use or not!
-skin to skin straight away,
-try to breastfeed asap,
-delay cord cutting until blood transfer complete (stopped pulsing/turns whiteish)
-OH to cut cord (he has no option in this)

that's about it i think! hope your scan goes well on firday kelly x
the cord PULSES?!? eww! Man, thats kinda wierd... Never heard that before, at least now i'm prepared for the pulsating cord!
I never knew the cord pulses either! To be honest I feel like I don't know anything. My midwife hasn't gone through a birth plan with me, I've just filled in the section in my notes.

yer it pulses as the blood from the placenta carry's on going over for a few mins after birth, normally stops quicker if you try and breast feed right away as it releases a hormone that tells the placenta to stop, and release! or so i've read! x
ooh I'm intrigued I didnt know about this, whats the difference between cutting it straight away and letting it finish pulsing first? is there a benefit to waiting?
My midwife told me they don't cut the cord until it stops pulsing anyway. There is no way my other half will cut it - especially as our NCT teacher told him it was like cutting through a bicycle tyre!

You've just inspired me to pack my bag and finish my birth plan now. I'm nearly done just need to wash a couple of things before they go in my bag x

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