Birth plan discussion


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
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Cos I had all my bloods and stuff done at the consultant appt I got to discuss birth with my mw :dance:. She said obviously they make decisions further on but cos I am so confused by it all she was so helpful.

Basically I am opting for a natural birth. From what she said today and from what my research has said I would prefer it in the long run. She said that as I am not measuring big, I have big feet :D and I have a high pain barrier she would recommend it because there's less blood loss on average, quicker recovery, and that babies are built for birth. Apparently their bones stay squishy so that they pass through the birth canal easier. She also said that there is less risk of respiration problems as babies are usually completely ready physically.

So this is what I am going for. Vaginal birth with gas and air and extra pain relief if I need it, this bit is very adaptable lol.

It's a relief to have my mind made up to be honest. Yes it might hurt and I could end up with emergency c-section but we'll just have to see what happens :D xxxxxxxxx
Good on you .... I find out on 23rd if I have to have a c-section and I feel really nervous - fingers crossed for a natural birth.

I have some example birth plans from the NCT lady - if you'd like a copy I'm mor ethan happy to email you a copy. They are quite helpful.

Is there a reason why you might have needed a c-section? I have a scan to check where the placenta is at 34 weeks and might need a c-section, but would prefer to do it vaginally if possible - although I LOVE the idea of drugs!!! lol
Does having big feet mean it will be easier? Haven't heard that before?
I thought about my birth plan before although I have not yet been through it with my midwife that is 2 weeks time, I would like the same as you, Vaginal birth with G&A :)
Although I'm opted to change if needs must xx
Sounds sensible :) but then I am a bit of a tree huggy, au naturale type of gal. I'd have loved to have a home birth with whale sounds playing in the background but DH has vetoed it.

The thought of having a section terrifies me, I know if it's best for baby then I'll have to get over myself but I'll be disappointed I reckon. It's not the op, it's the recovery and other implications that I am worried about and the not being able to exercise etc
I had an operation 3 yrs ago which has left me with a long vertical scar on my belly. They are not sure if it will withstand a natural labour or if there is any internal scarring that could cause problems. The risk is if I have a natural labour I could end up having emergency c-section which would be worse than a planned one. It's hard because I so wanted a natural birth but it's not been ruled out yet so fingers crossed, plus have to do what's safest for baby and me x
Torino - Just wondered why your OH has vetoed the home birth? I think my OH was a bit reluctant but it take much persuading. Here were the things that swayed him - My sister had 2 home births - her reasons were 1) watching her friend give birth in hospital and noticing that she was offered drugs she didn't need to slow down her labour as there were several other ladies giving birth at same time! 2) you have a MW to yourself and 2 at the later stages and they are all about looking after you and baby, they don't keep disappearing. 3) You can always transfer to hospital at any time you want but you can't go the other way!
At our antenatal classes the MW talking had all 3 of hers at home and said she loves home deliveries as they are usually faster and more relaxed, and she loves tucking all 3 up in bed and leaving them, whereas in hospital the dad has to leave at some points if you are on maternity ward!

I have a very open mind about it all, and if I manage to get past 37 weeks and they say I'm low risk I will opt for the home birth and change my mind if I don't feel safe.
OH doesn't think I'll cope with the pain and will end up in hospital anyway. I think his mam has been bending his ear over it and voicing her unwanted opinion on things and he is listening to her. I think he thinks it's safer generally to be close medical expertise if things should go wrong. The fact that we live <1 mile to the hospital is not good enough apparently.

Also, he doesn't want the mess in the house :lol: perhaps because he'll have to clean it up maybe? I don't know. I'm letting him have this one given it is our first but I will be pushing the point more should we have any more children and I feel I could have them at home.
Delighted you have your plan sorted

It sounds pretty much what i have in mind except i might try the water pool too

So when ya say ya have big feel how big we talking here? like clown size or just big for a woman lol?
I heard somewhere hand size can also determin ease of natural birth but not sure if thats true or not lol
Apparently women with dinky feet have a dinky pelvis and I'm a size 7-8 which I don't think is that bad really lol. Also she said taller women tend to have an easier birth too :shock:

My back problems could have meant a c-section and there's still a risk it will break again during labour but everyone has said this is very unlikely.

Home birth is well out of the question for me, and my OH would never have it (unless there's no option of course lol). Also his dad has no sense of occasion and would be wandering in and out at will all the way through it lmao xxxxxxxx
hmmm im a 5/6 which is close to big than small so hopefully :) have monstrous hands so hope that one is true lol

So you just gonna go ahead and if you feel too much strain on ur back then do emergency C then other wise let you crack on
Pretty much. She did say that yes c-section is vital sometimes but if it's not and everything's ok they'll let mum and baby do what they are built for.

I just hope I can get the gas and air off of my OH for long enough pmsl xxxxxxxxx
OH doesn't think I'll cope with the pain and will end up in hospital anyway. I think his mam has been bending his ear over it and voicing her unwanted opinion on things and he is listening to her. I think he thinks it's safer generally to be close medical expertise if things should go wrong. The fact that we live <1 mile to the hospital is not good enough apparently.

Also, he doesn't want the mess in the house :lol: perhaps because he'll have to clean it up maybe? I don't know. I'm letting him have this one given it is our first but I will be pushing the point more should we have any more children and I feel I could have them at home.

Oh blimey - not a lot of faith in your pain threshold then!! ha ha. I guess if it's easier all round then yes you could opt for it a second time. Maybe see how long you manage at home this time round and how you are coping. I'm not sure how i'll manage to be honest, but I've been doing hypnobirthing so fingers crossed I can stay relaxed. I had a couple early labour signs at 31/32 weeks and spent a night in hospital. It was really nice and I felt very safe, so I'm not worried either way. It seems to have calmed down so hoping to go to 37 weeks as don't think they would let you home birth if before this?

I'm going to embark on this hypnobirthing thing too soon. I have high hopes for it ;) I am intending to stay at home as long as possible though like you say.

I hope you get the home birth you want hun, I think it would be fab!
Ha well Ive been told not to bother with a birthing plan as im going to be induced and she said that they prerry much goes out the window when comes to induction. I don't actually get to see my midwife as all my care is done through the hostpital as I have to go weekly. I have a sort of birth plan in my head and made sure OH knows about it. I do wish sometimes I was still seeing my regular midwife cos I feel like im missing out as no nothing about any anti natal classes etc but then again maybe I should ask.

Im still carrying on with Hypno birthing as I for one think it will help keep me calm (i tend to panic) and the breathing will also help. I didnt want much pain relief but are thinking maybe I need to change my mind on this one. LOL
Lol, my mw said yesterday you wouldn't believe how many women just want gas and air in their birth plan and within 10 minutes are begging for an epidural. Pain relief is definitely something I will play by ear but as I am planning on popping him out like a cannon ball I'm hoping there won't be time :D
The hypno birthing cd's (I use 'natal hynotherapy' - got it off amazon I think) have really helped me relax. I also have the book to go with it, I got this after listening to the cd's for a while and I'd recommend it. It totally changed my perspective on how I wanted to give birth. Also after seeing Derren Brown making that guy sit in bath of ice and not feel anything makes me believe the mind is stronger than we give it credit for! The only issue is you don't really know if it's working! The only hints that it might have been when I got cramp in my leg and I did the '3,2,1, relax trigger and actually felt myself relax quite spontaneously and not feel the cramp??
Ive got the natal hypno therapy too and in times where Ive experienced pain or stress used the techniques and it has helped but like you say labour is a whole new pain so lets see how strong my mind is!! Ha ha

With the whole induction thing I now feel like they are gonna strap me down to the bed and hurt me but strangely am feeling more 'bring it on' than scared witless, must be a sadist or something!!! Ha ha ha Or serioulsy im trying to think positvely about the whole labour thing and play it by ear!
im gonna try and avoid drugs tho id rather have an epidural that g&a and peth as i dont deal well with anything that alters my perception of reality. i dont get drunk and ive had nasty experiences with weed when i tried it so i think im too much of an uptight control freak about myself to have those drugs lol. im almost 6ft tall with 7/8 feet so thats awesome news for me, maybe all will go fairly easy :) fingers crossed huh

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