Birth location decided and Ive just gone mad on Boots online!


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
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Yesterday I went to have a look at the Birthing unit where I would like to give birth with my mum and hubby and it was lovely! Its midwife led so if there are complications I'll have to be blue lighted to the local hospital but the unit was so relaxing and friendly that I want to aim as much as possible to go there. I've even decided to go for a water birth if the rooms available. (If I change my mind on the day and want to go to the hospital I haven't lost anything!)

We then went to a lovely shop a looked at pushchairs. Due to me wanting to mainly babywear for the first few months at least and also not being able to pick up heavy travel systems due to a neck injury, I really wanted to go for a light, easy to fold pushchair that will do for new born to 3/4 years old that both me and my mum (who has severe rheumatoid arthritis) can use daily. The shop lady was fantastic and took us straight to the Baby Jogger city mini 3 wheeler and I was in love straight away. Its not the prettiest of pushchairs but the functionality was brilliant and my mum folded it and picked it up with her worse hand with no problems. That had me sold on the type but my hubby (as usual) wanted to have a look online to see if we could get any better deals.

Anyway, to cut a long story short, I get a good Boots discount (through work) and we also often us topcash back so I have just managed to get the following for for just over £845

Baby Jogger City Mini and foot muff
2 x maxi cosi opal car seats (one for mums car)
White Cot bed with mattress
Baby monitor with temp sensor, light show and music and
High chair that turns in table and chair

That's pretty much all the big stuff bought now! We also then got our boots points and tesco club card points.

Its took some planning to do this way but definitely worth the saving!

Now all I need to do is have the baby!
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Which baby monitor did you get? I still haven't got one, and hubby wanted a light show lamp - so combining it is probably a good thing :)
Which baby monitor did you get? I still haven't got one, and hubby wanted a light show lamp - so combining it is probably a good thing :)

We went for the BT Digital monitor and pacifier because it is one device instead of having 3 or 4 different things and my OH really liked the look of it.
Woooo exciting. My pram cost that alone so u've done well. Stewart's wanting to start up a buggy mum club and said we should have a jogger. He can buy it if he really thinks we need another set of wheels! Are you all excited now? I am. It emotional with looking at all her clothes. Want the next 18 weeks to go quick!

Glad u've seen the unit too. Xxxxx
Are you going to be ok wearing with your neck injury hun?
The only reason I ask is that I wore the twins a lot and found my neck/shoulders and upper back got really achy as they got a bit bigger x
I have the baby jogger city mini, its nearly new as I only used it for a couple of months and long days out for my son.
Were keeping it as our second pushchair, I love it.
Are you going to be ok wearing with your neck injury hun?
The only reason I ask is that I wore the twins a lot and found my neck/shoulders and upper back got really achy as they got a bit bigger x

Ive discussed it with physio who said there should be no reason i can't wear long term as long as I have the right type of sling/ wrap. I have a stretchy wrap to start with for new baby which I know will be better than me having to hold the baby in a craddle position (If I hold my 3 month old nephew whist sitting on the sofa I have to rest his head on a cushion on my lap as my left arm cannot be in a fixed position for too long as it pinches the nerve.)
I also couldn't carry a child of any age on my left hip like most people either as again this gives me nerve pain in my arm (I am right handed so can't carry that side as need my hand free).

Wraps and mei tai slings are appealing to me the most at the moment but until I try them I won't really know. We have a few sling meets where I live too so I will be attending a them once baby is hear (or when i start mat leave) so that I can get a better idea of what will work for me, baby and hubby (as he wants to wear occasionally)

Thanks for your concern though, most of the people around me are saying the same thing as you and I know people worry, but for me, lifting a pushchair of any weight/ size on a daily basis will hurt my back and neck, having to push a pushchair once if not twice a day to walk the dog will be a nuisance, and If I want to nip to the shops for a minute, I can put the baby in the sling and take my old lady shopping trolley.

I know exclusively baby wearing is not always going to be practical, hence the pushchair, but I'm going to give it a shot anyway :)
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I found wearing MORE practical actually!
It was so much easier than dragging a pram in and out of the boot. I could actually look around shops without getting in everyone's way with a pram x
I found wearing MORE practical actually!
It was so much easier than dragging a pram in and out of the boot. I could actually look around shops without getting in everyone's way with a pram x

I think it's more practical too (for similar reasons) but I've got a lot of people who keep trying to tell me otherwise and think I'm mad. I keep trying to explain that for hundreds and thousands of years we have been having babies without pushchairs and like most mammals I think we are designed to have our babies close to us in those early years (this is just my opinion btw!)

I want to babywear for many reasons and I don't see that it will make my child too clingy or dependent. I believe it will have the opposite effect as although my mum didn't babywear she did have a lot of physical contact with us when we were young (and still is quite tactile with us) and I know this helped make me more grounded and secure in my place in the world. My child will still walk when they can and I will encourage this and my back will be looked after (I have had it long enough to know how to move it and when to take a break and the pushchair will be there as a back up incase)

We go to a lot of castles, walks on the beach, in the woods, camping, etc and although there are some pushchairs that are designed for these activities they are a) too expensive and b) blooming heavy!

I suppose there is a stubborn part of me that really wants to make it work as too many people are telling me I won't be able to do it.

I'm what my mum calls a 'hippy mum' and I will be a fluffy bummed baby wearing, breast feeding mess of a mummy but I will love every minute of it! :)

PS. Sorry for the mini rant Cos, I know you are in agreement with me, suppose I just need to write down my reasons to affirm them!
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No need to apologise hun honestly. I had a lot of opposition when I said I wouldn't be getting a pram last time. In fact, I ended up buying one and using it twice I think!
I found it so cumbersome around the shops, some I couldn't even get in!
It was just a big trauma every time I wanted to go out. So I started leaving it at home and wearing. It was soooo much easier.
I also found wearing handy around the house. I could get on with my housework without worrying about the baby. I used it to feed too, especially when out and about.
Very handy.
Good luck to you, don't be dictated to, you know what is best for you and lo x

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