birmingham terror arrests, I smell a rat.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2006
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Bare with me on this its a long political rant :roll:

Ive been accused of being over cynical and looking too deeply trying to find conspirocies (sp?) many times, but I think we have to.

Anyway.....ive been thinking about this a lot recently.

Remember the fox hunting media frenzy? Well at the the same time as that was going on something else happened that should have been so much more news worthy but it wasnt. The fox hunting thing was a smoke screen for something very scary.

At the same time, Blair fast-tracked a bill that is similiar to Hitlers enabling act.

The Civil Contingencies Act (formerly known as the Civil Contingencies Bill) was passed on 18/11/04. It could be described as "a nightmare come true".

Supposed to modernise civil emergency arrangements, it goes well beyond this, aiming to allow the Government and Ministers to exercise almost absolute powers at the slightest excuse. "Ath the threat, or percieved threat or terroist attacks"

When Parliament's Joint Committee reported on the original Bill in November 2003, they were alarmed that:
"In the wrong hands, it could be used to undermine or even remove legislation underpinning the British Constitution and infringe human rights".

Lord Lucas likened the slightly-amended Bill to Hitler's 'Enabling Act'.
"... Are we opening up our system to the equivalent of what happened in Germany in 1933, when it became possible for an extreme party legitimately to hijack a democracy and turn it into something totalitarian?"

I believe, as many many other people do, that the war on iraq was purely for the oil, land and power. There were no W.O.M.D's found ever, that was an excuse to justify thier actions to the public. Some people also believe 9/11 was actually instigated by Bush to give the american people a reason to back the war. Im not sure on that one but I wouldnt be surprised.

Thing is, we havnt had anything as dramatic as 9/11 (touch wood) and people are starting to turn against the government as far as the war in iraq goes, so they need to spread a little more fear.

Funny how the potential kidnap victim was a british muslim soldier, I mean if anyone would be perfect to be coerced, persuaded or ordered to go along with the story.....

The media coverage has been terrifying, people are scared. People are feeling like the war was almost brought here to Britain, the fear is spreading.

I just think the whole thing is a set up, designed to bring american style fear of the Islamic communities and the middle east to britain, to give the goverment the justification they so desperatley need.

Im not saying terroism doesnt exist, its a scary and very real threat theres no doubt about it, but sometimes I jusat get the feeling its all designed to sway the opinions of the people, isnt that what politics is all about?
glitzyglamgirl said:
Bare with me on this its a long political rant :roll:

Ive been accused of being over cynical and looking too deeply trying to find conspirocies (sp?) many times, but I think we have to.

Anyway.....ive been thinking about this a lot recently.

Remember the fox hunting media frenzy? Well at the the same time as that was going on something else happened that should have been so much more news worthy but it wasnt. The fox hunting thing was a smoke screen for something very scary.

At the same time, Blair fast-tracked a bill that is similiar to Hitlers enabling act.

also sadamm was hung for killing 300 000 people over a 30 year reign but bush has killed thousands in his 3 year war innocent iraqs and children are being born horribly deformed over the testing of nucleur wepons. ... /14/154251
The Civil Contingencies Act (formerly known as the Civil Contingencies Bill) was passed on 18/11/04. It could be described as "a nightmare come true".

Supposed to modernise civil emergency arrangements, it goes well beyond this, aiming to allow the Government and Ministers to exercise almost absolute powers at the slightest excuse. "Ath the threat, or percieved threat or terroist attacks"

When Parliament's Joint Committee reported on the original Bill in November 2003, they were alarmed that:
"In the wrong hands, it could be used to undermine or even remove legislation underpinning the British Constitution and infringe human rights".

Lord Lucas likened the slightly-amended Bill to Hitler's 'Enabling Act'.
"... Are we opening up our system to the equivalent of what happened in Germany in 1933, when it became possible for an extreme party legitimately to hijack a democracy and turn it into something totalitarian?"

I believe, as many many other people do, that the war on iraq was purely for the oil, land and power. There were no W.O.M.D's found ever, that was an excuse to justify thier actions to the public. Some people also believe 9/11 was actually instigated by Bush to give the american people a reason to back the war. Im not sure on that one but I wouldnt be surprised.

Thing is, we havnt had anything as dramatic as 9/11 (touch wood) and people are starting to turn against the government as far as the war in iraq goes, so they need to spread a little more fear.

Funny how the potential kidnap victim was a british muslim soldier, I mean if anyone would be perfect to be coerced, persuaded or ordered to go along with the story.....

The media coverage has been terrifying, people are scared. People are feeling like the war was almost brought here to Britain, the fear is spreading.

I just think the whole thing is a set up, designed to bring american style fear of the Islamic communities and the middle east to britain, to give the goverment the justification they so desperatley need.

Im not saying terroism doesnt exist, its a scary and very real threat theres no doubt about it, but sometimes I jusat get the feeling its all designed to sway the opinions of the people, isnt that what politics is all about?

i totally agree omg i would have such a long rant but youd all think im a crazy preecher but put it this way all watch loose change 2nd edition 9/11 its eye opening blair and bush and the whole political party are misleading us we only get to see what they want us to see its mind numbing.

saddam was hung for killing 300,000 over 30 years take a look at how many people have died in his war in 3 years ... /14/154251
Oh this is a hard one.... I'm at 50/50 on this.

I do agree that the media hype things up a little and I don't fully agree with the troops going in... but at the same time my hubby and a lot of our friends have been and serve is Iraq and Basra and other countries affected by the war and... they are helping the situation... it would be a whole lot worse.

Most of the people of Iraq thanked the uk soldiers for coming and helping in the fight as they want Bin Laden and the rest of his crew out... the suicide bombs have gone down since the troops went in.

One of our close friends lost his life out there and his wife, although she would do ANYTHING to get him back, understands that he was there trying to put things right.

S. xx
i quite agree with you there Sarah as my fiance is in the army - i do not agree with the war at all and i do think that if Blair hadnt sent our troops out there then i dont think July 7th would have happened - yeah of course it would have happened but not so soon - terrorists are all around the world - there are that many of them - we wont EVER stop terrorism but why the hell do WE as a country have to send our lads out there, America has got a big enough army - they are 100 times bigger than our country so why did Blair feel the need to get involved???

i actually wrote a letter to Tony Blair some months back as he makes me so angry - i cant stand the man, he does nothing for this country, and shall i tell you what?!?

when my DF went out to Iraq they only had the very basic equipment, hardly any armour, and if your bullets went missing (which my fiance's did - they nick owt(soliders!)that aint there own!) they were made to BUY some more (wish i think if i can remember cost at least £100) and if they didnt have the money to buy them - it was tough s*it - they were still made to go out into that war zone! :shakehead:
they had to buy msot of their armour before they went out there and again, if they didnt have the money, they were still forced to go out there. and dont even get me started on their wages - you would not belive the wages they are actually on, its diabolical - im sorry but for the job they do, they cant even live off the wages never mind pay for equipment, bullets etc etc. most of the lads in my DF's platoon are in debt, as is my fiance, becuse the wages are that shocking they have no other option :shakehead:

OMG sorry for the long rant - i think i may have started babbling on about something totally diferent to what you were initially talking about - i am sorry i just get so angry and upset by f*kin TONY bleeding BLAIR!!!! ggrrrrrrrrr :x :x :x :x :x
OMG I am really shocked at that!! Having to buy there own bullets.... I have forwarded the link to my hubby. He never had to do that!!

That is well off!! And all my hubbys equipment he took from the barracks here.


S. xx
no Sarah they didnt have to buy their own bullets but if they lost/got them stolen they had to PAY to replace the bullets - you see, my fiance had his bullets nicked by another solider and he went and reported it and told him he had to pay for some more!!!

your OH in army then?? what regiment?
He is in the TA - Royal Signals.

But we have friends in medics, highlanders and engineers too.

What about you?
wow im absolutely gobsmakced that they have to pay to replace equipment or go out without it, thats disgusting!!!!!

I have loads of respect for the guys and gals out there, I personally dont have the courage to do that job so im in awe of thier courage and bravery, but I agree they shouldnt be there.

Its such a multifaceted subject!
Sarah he is in the Duke of Wellingtons but it is now called 'The Yorkshire Regiment'.

his mate who is in the Lagistics is going back out to Iraq in April this year and there are talks that DF's regiment is going to Afghanistan - i am hoping and praying that he wont have to go. he is (hopefully!) coming out of the army all together next February!

everyone thinks of the army as well paid, well looked after etc. and thats what these lads think too, but once they have joined up its a totally differnt mater all together - you should see the houses they expect families to live in too, they are disgusting, filthy - if i do end up PG before he comes out i will more than likely end up in one, but it wont be for long, i couldnt really make that my 'home' - the army down give two flying F*cks about those lads and it makes me sick!!!!!!!!!!! :x :x :x

is he away alot then, or is TA where they do weekend work and then if they have to, go on tours?!?

DF was away in Iraq for nearly 7 months, it was heartbreaking and awful!!! :(
My hubby was away for 6mths in Iraq and a couple of years ago 6mths in Bosnia.

He mainly does weekends now... but they still get called up and it's not a "if you fancy going..." sort of thing!

One of my friends was in iraq and got home 6days before her wedding! She had to plan the whole thing while serving there!

We have a load of friends that are in the regs.

I know what you mean about the army houses - have you ever seen RAF houses tho - they ones I saw were gorgeous!! Totally different!
We are quite lucky as the OC and CO that are in at the mo are good to the families and try and take into account everyones home situations before they send any away on tour.

S. xx
No we have our own place.

My hubby is leaving soon as we are moving to America... but he keeps saying he wants to join the reserves over there ....


As he'll defo be sent with that tw*t Bush in charge!!

S. xx
OMG :shock: do NOT let him join out there - although they look after their soliders ALOT better than they do here - they are not trained as well as British Soliders - you know that by only having to look at the number of US Soliders that have died than British Soliders!!!!


bloody men ehh, they keep us on our toes :lol:

where abouts in America are you moving too?!? :hug:
Dont worry I wont let him!!

We are moving to Houston, Texas - hopefully in the next 2-3mths


S. xx
WOW - any reason why your moving to there!?

hope you will be still coming on here?! :hug:
I actually agree with going to war on Iraq.

Saddam Hussein is or was I should say, a mass-genocidal maniac happily killing people on whim. Are we forgetting that this was how the Third Reich started out? Look at how that panned out!

As for the oil thing, do you know that the oil in Iraqw is actually one of the smaller fields in the world? I'm sure if they wanted oil, they would be better off attacking Nigeria, South Africa or Russia. USA has one of the largest of its coastline!

On the subject of WMD's, OK he had none but was'nt there evidence that he was 'planning' on building facilties to build them? He has had biological weapons and HAS used them, so I would'nt put it past him to be experimenting with nukes.

Thing is, we havnt had anything as dramatic as 9/11 (touch wood) and people are starting to turn against the government as far as the war in iraq goes, so they need to spread a little more fear.

What about 7/7 bombings? Dramatic enough for me! Particularly when my Dad was practically on top of one of them.

There are subjects I am against the government on, but the Iraq war certainly isn't one of them.

No doubt, I will get a reply asking 'Why are'nt we going to war against Mugabe, or that Korean midget then? Both are genocidal and one has nuke button.' The Korean chap has already threatened the States with missiles, and has a friend in China (cahoots with Russia :wink: ), the most accelerated country (industry wise) in the world. To go after him would take some thought.....
Hubbys parents live there - he was brought up there too.

Will defo be coming on - dont get rid of me that easily!! :rotfl:

Sorry we've kinda taken over this post - sorry!!!!

S. xx
cassi Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 11:58 am Post subject:

To go after him would take some thought.....

Sounds like you have thought it out!!

S. xx
9/11 WAS STAGED BY BUSH AND7/7 happened because we went to war we have been dragged into this properganda check ebay for the loose change second edition 9/11 its brilliant and only a few pounds it will blow your mind the war in iraq is awful, and war is not right in any way! and bush is a mass murderer.
I dont beileve so.

However, I will mention that you could save a few quid and watch loose change on youtube, But make sure you watch it in detail. It is easy to find hitches in such a big subject.

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