birmingham terror arrests, I smell a rat.

oh cool i didnt know that, even if bush didnt stage it he let it happen for profitable reasons. there are so many things that say its a cover up including the fact they seized all video tape of the plane that crashed into the pentagon even from petrol stations and hotels surrounding and no one saw the plane even though it would have been a few feet off the ground???
hannahbet20 said:
oh cool i didnt know that, even if bush didnt stage it he let it happen for profitable reasons. there are so many things that say its a cover up including the fact they seized all video tape of the plane that crashed into the pentagon even from petrol stations and hotels surrounding and no one saw the plane even though it would have been a few feet off the ground???

To be honest I have not watched Loose Change in detail, So I cant really comment. However people shouldnt rely too much on 1 source.
i agree i have watched a few dvds read lots of articles and if you just research online thats what im saying if you just watch the tv and media you will be fooled its all propaganda just read up on it something is going on and its sinister.
There will always be that beilef, And people looking into things too much and making strong assumptions. I will watch it in more detail when I get home later. Off out shopping now :).
I absolutely agree hannbet, there is something seriously sinister going on.

Its no good just taking everything at face value, we owe it to ourselves, to the rest of the world, and to our children to look more deeply into things. Do some research, talk about it, look at the facts not just the medias versions of the facts, then make up your own minds.
glitzyglamgirl said:
I absolutely agree hannbet, there is something seriously sinister going on.

Its no good just taking everything at face value, we owe it to ourselves, to the rest of the world, and to our children to look more deeply into things. Do some research, talk about it, look at the facts not just the medias versions of the facts, then make up your own minds.

I beileve all my facts & reasons on non press motivated.
glitzyglamgirl said:
I absolutely agree hannbet, there is something seriously sinister going on.

Its no good just taking everything at face value, we owe it to ourselves, to the rest of the world, and to our children to look more deeply into things. Do some research, talk about it, look at the facts not just the medias versions of the facts, then make up your own minds.

i strongly believe that bush and the bush administration have something to do with it but it is absolutley mind boggling i dont expect everyone to belive this my partner agrees and friends that the goverment definatley pull the wool over our eyes, do you know that the government spent more on investigating bill clintons affair than investigating 9/11 its a joke.

its my personal belief that and investigation should be reopened on 9/11 and if you ceck online a lot of other people do too including officials sorry if im rambling i dont want to force my beliefs on anyone just share x.
its my personal belief that and investigation should be reopened on 9/11 and if you ceck online a lot of other people do too including officials sorry if im rambling i dont want to force my beliefs on anyone just share x.

Thats fair enough, You as is everyone else is perfectly entitiled to their personal opinion. And I completely respect people that are not afraid to share their opinions. There is nothing worse than a 'sheep' so to speak.
cassi said:
its my personal belief that and investigation should be reopened on 9/11 and if you ceck online a lot of other people do too including officials sorry if im rambling i dont want to force my beliefs on anyone just share x.

Thats fair enough, You as is everyone else is perfectly entitiled to their personal opinion. And I completely respect people that are not afraid to share their opinions. There is nothing worse than a 'sheep' so to speak.

Absolutely! You say in an earlier reply you base your beliefs on non-press facts, and thats all anyone can do, its believing everything on the news and in the papers without your own mind thats pretty sad.

I love discussions like this
Im just going to pop in and out, my opinion is that the world is how it is today because there are too many small minded people with too much fooking power and dont know how to deal with it, Bush Hitler Sadam Blair and all the little runts who think they know whats best for us are running this planet into the ground, they should of had them all in a row on them docks ready to hang, as far as im concerned we can debate in the ifs buts and maybes on this as much as we like but as long as men are in charge of our countries, we are Fooked!
i love debates its interesting but i dont like being called stupid or forced to believe i think everyone has a right to speak and you might find your mind changed
iv been looking but noones called you stupid? I dont think your stupid at all and everyone is entitled to their beliefs i enjoy debates as much as the next person i just think that the way the goverments are behaving there will end up being another atomic bomb dropped at some point we are basically living on borrowed time
no no i wasnt saying that sorry i meant ive had debates before which are heated etc where people call other people stupid. sorry
anyway i think ull like this one very funny __
Completely....I think its the first time that I have seen a debate on this forum, with people in different minds, especially mine! That has not turned sour. It makes a lovely change, lets keep it like this :).
cassi said:
Completely....I think its the first time that I have seen a debate on this forum, with people in different minds, especially mine! That has not turned sour. It makes a lovely change, lets keep it like this :).

Agreed :D

As a side note, we were watching an american channel on cable lastnight and there was an american ad showing images of protesting muslims, starving africans, basically all the things going wrong in the wordl, and the voiceover was urging people to support the american government, the end line was "we are 6 billion voices, the world we do what we tell them" :shock:

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