Biological nurturing + latching (advice needed) - updated


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2008
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Has anyone tried this method of breastfeeding?

I have been having a lot of problems with bfing and a counsellor from La Leche suggested I try it. Tried it briefly, not quite properly, tonight and we are both much more relaxed so here's hoping! wondered whether anyone had any experience, knowledge about it?
I've never heard of it but it makes a lot of sense. I guess it puts the emphasis on relaxing and cuddles and the feeding is just something that happens during the cuddles! :hug: hope it works for you :hug:
A friend of mine is training to become a midwife and has been studying this. I've spoken to her on a few occasions about it and it is supposed to work as it is natural instinct for a baby.
I haven't tried it but those pictures have made me all broody :lol: :lol:
It was lovely just letting her 'find' my breast but she still didnt latch properly!! Such sore nips as she's not opening her mouth wide enough - any advice on what I can try next anyone?????
millie15 said:
It was lovely just letting her 'find' my breast but she still didnt latch properly!! Such sore nips as she's not opening her mouth wide enough - any advice on what I can try next anyone?????

don't be afraid to keep unlatching her till she gets it right. I had this issue with Seren and would gently squeeze her hand (very gently) as this meant she would open her mouth a bit. I would also say "big mouth aaah" as I found she would watch and mimic me. I looked and sounded daft when I fed in public but she eventually learnt to open her mouth wide.

Also tickling their nose with your nipple can make them gape upwards.

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