
Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2005
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i am feeling so sorry for myself.

im so skint i hate hate hate concil tax. its £160 a month and im behind 3months iv got a warrent as i didnt go to court the letters were sent to my old house i didnt no. so now i could get arested at any time :shock:
my maternity pay is soon to drop to £100 a week thats a huge drop. iv canceled my new sofa :cry: my car is rotting on the drive i cant afford to tax it im going on a £9.50 sun holiday in a few weeks and cant afford to go, got no spending money.

sooo upset today

i want to cry :cry:

and what does my headin more, is my fella getting up going to work yet the woman next door sits in her garden drinking carling all day smoking kids on little elecric toy cars all dressed in the latest stuff yet she is on the socail :evil:

poor kris has took on a security job at the university 7pm - 1am

and he still has a full time 9-5pm job so he will come home have dinner and back out again


(all i want is some moeny to by some curtains) we have none in my bedroom its bright and horrid)
your so not alone hunny :hug: :hug: :hug:
only bad thing about my situation is were being evicted have no money at all till end of the month when OH gets paid, we have to move out a week today and council are trying to fuck us into a homeless shelter with junkies and all sorts i just cant put my kids life at risk :cry: :cry: :cry:

sorry for the mini rant on your post hun but i am thinking of you and believe me i know how hard it is and how pissed of you are about the twats that get to live the life of luxuary screwing the social, makes me sick to the back teeth

:hug: :hug: xxxxx
:hug: awww babe you have made my problems feel small. it must be so hard. we were getting kicked out of our house the concil had nothing apart from shared accomidation with all none english people they offered us a hostel this was when Dior was a baby. i had to find £900 in 3weeks to get deposit for a house ect. i was gutted. i lent money of every one and sold loads of my things to get the money.

its so hard when you have kids as before i wasnt bothered i knew ild servive even if it ment sleeping in a hostel i would be fine, but now i dont want nothing to effect my babies.
no hun ur not alone, i feel the same way about money iam shitting myself when my maternity pay goes now in 4 weeks, dont know what we are going to do, it piss's me off totally about people screwing the socail i have worked hard all my life and i can get no help.

thinking of ya hun xxxxx :hug:
Oh babe :( I'm sorry you're having such a crap time with money.
Is there any way you can cut down any other debts to make ends meet a bit more? Like credit cards or loans? im on msn if you wanna chat babe? im in the same position, but i could help you a bit on there and where to get started xxxx
i dont have a credit card never had a loan dont have an over draft!!

kris new job pays crap iv always been the main earner, but in a few weeks my money goes down from £1300 a month to £100 a week.

its going to kill us.

i was stupid not paying my concil tax mum kept warning me how strict they are.

kris gets £1000 a month i get £400 a month

out of that i have to pay £620 rent £80 a month nappies £40 a month baby milk £250 concil tax (for all my past payment plans)
keep the car running get shopping.

there is nothing left, im ging to have to go court see what they can do. would they really take our stuff???

ok i have a tv worth alot but kris worked for nearly a yr to save up for it

looks like i might have to sell a few bits.

its concil tax thats got me in this mess. wish i just set up a direct debit

think i can phone concil tax and say i aint had police fire engine amberlance for yrs and aint had bin men so do i have to pay you :lol:

:hug: :hug: :hug: hun im so sorry you are going through this i really really hope you get things sorted out soon, must be so difficult.
May i ask why they cut the maternity pay down ?
I know exactly how you feel its a b*stard!!

We are being evicted at the end of October with no where to go, we cant afford another private rent as the rent prices are HIDEOUSLY high around here in comparison with the wages we get paid. Even if we could afford it then we would still have to pluck over £1000 out of thin air for a deposit if not more!!!!!! (We never payed a deposit for this place so we wont get anything back there.)

The council are pants, they wont even look at housing us until we are on the streets, it makes me feel sick every day knowing the days are going by and we have no where to go.

Even when we do eventually get a place to live like you Dionne we have no money for luxuries or anything all our money goes on council tax, rent, food, bills etc. Its going to be so much tougher when little one arrives although im hoping the child tax credits will help.

So your definately not alone and things could be so much worse :hug:
Awww Hun.....I know just how you feel!
But were getting there....we have worked hard (sorry DH has worked hard!) to try and get us sorted. We have got through it by being proud that we are doing something about it and knowing that DH working 16 hour days at the other side of the country and only seeing him on weekends, is a means to an end.
We got in to lots of money trouble through his Ex who conned us out of 1000's and then DH had spinal surgery a few months ago, we had £100 pw coming in (my maternity pay) LOL and out goings of 1300 per month :shock: hence we got in debt as benefits took 8 weeks and hardly touched our outgoings.
Any way, we are getting there....we still have tight purse strings, but i just wanted to say stay positive, and be proud of your OH who aint sat on his ass swiggin Carling all day hun. He's working for his family! Good man in my books. You'll get there..........NO MORE BUGGIES!!!!!!!!!!!!
lol iv sold a buggy :lol:

iv been on the phone for over 2hrs you no one of them days where u dig out alllll your bills and pay them, well nearly all of them are with baylief(sp)

but set up alot of payment plans.

but still concil tax are being funny :evil:

bet you want to kill your OH ex :shock:
glad your finaly getting there though.

next thing is christmas :roll:
babe your kids will be happy with acouple of toys this xmas, they are 5 months and 18months, they won't be so bothered. And for anyone else, tough!

I've been on the phone to people all day too - depressing isn't it. Oh well, bollocks to credit history, aslong as me, OH and my son is fed then that's all I care about!

Most people will be reasonable about it in the end. Best thing you can do is go to court now over the council tax and see what they say babe. I don't think they will take all your stuff just like that if you do agree to co-operate.
I know how you feel. I can't even afford any new maternity clothes. I'm so skint! desperate for a new car cos i'm gonna really struggle when the babies born and i will need 3 car seats and it's too small. Plus it's crap! Can't get a loan cos were bankrupt and it'd doing my head in. As for christmas thank god were getting the maternity grant in November as we get the higher rate of tax credits. hes had so much trouble getting a full time job since his driving conviction and bankrupcy last year.
Aww Dionne, its really hard isnt it. These things tend to spiral out of control and it just seems like there is no way out.

Have you took allowance for the drop in your wages when estimating your earnings for the tax credits for year 2006-2007.

That might make a difference to how much you get.

As for xmas ladies, lets all make a collective pact to not buy much, they dont need it and wont know the difference.
sorry to hear your so down dionne... I know how you feel i am the same, very skint.

have you applied for your working tax credits and child tax credits?

it's so tough isn't it! i'm back at work so we're a little better but i'm still only earning half what i used to. we're living off soup, beans on toast and eggs this week! :wall:
i m dreading x-mas this year but were sort of lucky because OH mum goes OTT and this year we just cant afford it and dont even know if we will be in a shelter crap thing at the time so all im praying for x-mas is a council house :pray:
All of our bills are set to come out by DD.

I wondered how we'd cope just on Matt's wages. We have the cheapest phone option, the only luxury we have for ourselves is broadband. Council tax people will come down hard on you, for me that's the most important bill after our mortgage. We just make sure that the main bills are paid first. We're going to Florida but will be paying it off interest free for about a year. We don't smoke, don't go out, don't have car repayments (those are the things that seem to cripple people) our car is an old R reg Astra. I use my home phone after 6pm because that's including in my plan, don't use it before then. Our clothes are from Matalan, I don't shop in Tescos unless I have to (meat and veg are cheaper from the butcher and greengrocers). The best thing I ever did was to look at my bank statements over 3 months, enter what I was paying for everything and then I realised that the reason we were skint was because I was over spending. I set us a budget for everything down to going out in the day and try to stick to it. I hate not knowing what my outgoings are and what is being spent on what.

It might be worth setting yourself up a spreadsheet and putting in every penny you spend for a month, you're more likely to find things to cut back on that way. I know you needed a new sofa, but personally I would be paying my council tax off before buying one, could you hold back on the repayments on that?
weve given up paying council tax because its all from the old house from like 2 years ago and its just snow balled out of controll only good thing is its getting bundled into teh bankrupcy just cant wait till that is finalised but got last appointment to sign teh court forums tomoz :cheer:
:hug: Dionne its so hard aint it :(

I've sold my house as we couldn't afford to run it and we need more space too. We will make nearly enough to pay off all of our debts. Unfortunatly we cant find any houses to rent so we will be homeless in a few weeks! :cry: We were gonna move in with MIL for a bit but after a massive row between her and OH we no longer have that option. I'm shitting myself!

We haven't been able to pay the last 2 months mortgage payments and 2 months credit card ones so we aren't likely to be accepted by any landlords whose houses do become available anyways :?
Kina said:
I know you needed a new sofa, but personally I would be paying my council tax off before buying one, could you hold back on the repayments on that?

hiya, yh i put it in my first post, iv canceled my sofa :( and lost my deposit now, i put £100 down on it and had to pay £600 by end of next month i just cant find the money :cry:

if i kept log of all my spendings i no il be shocked. eg i give kris £10 note to get bread and milk never see the change again it goes on munchies and take aways, concil tax is a bugger though now iv fell behind im well in the poop

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