Big fat feet


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2006
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My feet are huge today!!! Really swollen, my sandals are starting to hurt :cry:

I think its because its just so damn hot here right now.

Is there anything i can do to help them?
The only thing I find helps is lying around doing nothing! Also wearing flip flops, they are most comfy. You could try soaking them in a bowl of cold water. :)
My feet have been really bad this week as well, I cannot wear anything other than my flip flops and I just take them off when I can and walk round in my bare feet. Hope they get better for you (or it gets a bit cooler!!)
Definitely elevate them Melanie. I know you've probably got loads to do with the new house, but it's the only thing that'll help.

We had a meet of a few local forum members yesterday, and I was only out of the house for about 3 and a half hours, but when I got home, my feet were like balloons!
trying drinking lots of water. Apparently it helps you retain less water (dunno why). Ive found that the more fizzy juice I drink the worse the swelling is so im on my last ca of fizzy vimto then its back to the water.
Put ice in the water when you soak them. It hurts a little at first but in a really blissful way! :D
Yep i'd say put them in cold feet have been in permanent cold water for ages....try and keep them elevated at every oppourtunity...that also helps a little....All my shoes n sandals have given me blisters....oh what joys... :lol:
get your OH to give them a gentle rub - get some of that water moving. And again i can only stress what the others have said... get them up high.. annoying because you can't do anything whilst they're up in the air and as soon as you start walking it feels like they swell up again... I wore tight flight socks from the doctor... not the nicest thou in this weather. They where really hard to put on but they felt amazing when on... my feet shrunk back down a shoe size. Best if your going out for the whole day...

its all about gettin the OH to give u a foot massage - absolute bliss!! :wink:
melanie - i called the hospital last nite because i'm getting fed up of my swollen fat feet... been like this for 8 weeks now so it's not just the weather.. the midwife i spoke to was really helpful and explained the swelling was due to....

when pregnant we carry more fluid which over loads our vens and seeps out into our tissue.. causing swelling. Our kindneys are working as hard as they can on the fluid in the veins so it can't even begin to work on the fluid in the tissue... after being swollen for so long the tissue eventually becomes sore... to help it we have to kick start our kidneys into working even harder and to do this she said drink plenty of plain water (nothing else as our kindneys will only have spend the time working harder filtering out what we drink - i usually drink orange cordial - but she said no) She also said raise feet for 10 mins every 4 hours should be enough.. it's the kindneys that are most important... sounded good to me...

Has anyone got one foot bigger than the other??!!

Mine have both been swollen for ages, but the right one more so :shock:
yea.. the left one!!! weird that isn't it... :shock:
yep.... my left foot and ankle is alot bigger than my other...i have got a trapped nerve down my left hand side so i thought mine was because of that.....glad to hear someone else's feet look as strange as mine do.... :rotfl:

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