big baby "again" ????


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2006
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okies a few of u may know christopher was very big at birth (see sig) and it was missed :shakehead: :shakehead: :shakehead: as he was so big i have my first onsultant meeting on the 16th jan (2 days after 20 weeks scan :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: )

only i havent seen MW for 3 weeks and as far as im aware at 18-19 weeks u should be able to feel top of uterus a CM or so below belly button :think: :think: well mines clearly around a CM and a bit ABOVE ??? :think: :think: :think: so does this mean that its heading for another big baby ??? or are my uterus calculations wrong ???

beacuse il say one thing if its a big baby then c-section here i come christopher had to be deliverd with just gas and air as i hvae a low platlet count and at that time i had very low iron so anythin stronger was dismissed by anaethatist and ill tell u an almost 11lber with G&A aint my idea of fun at all :shakehead: :shakehead: :shakehead: :shakehead:
Hi :wave:

the midwife and consultant will be able tell you a bit more :hug: especially the consultant because your booked under him/her because you had a large baby last time so thats what they will be looking for.

I know the feeling of delivering a big baby naturally, my daughter was 11lbs 2oz and it went un noticed apart from my midwife who got me a growth scan but it was not accurate so it still went un noticed until her head came out and they said she's gonna be at least 10 and a half lbs!

I am booked under a consultant this time too. You'll have to let me know how that goes :D

Are you booked for monthly growth scans? Thats what my midwife has ticked in my notes but she's also ticked yes to me having a disability, when I answered no....dippy lady lol.

is it possible the snographer got your dates wrong at your 12 week scan? :D
I am under a consultant this time too but for the opposite reason, Maddison was only 4lbs 15oz so we are hoping this baby is a bit bigger so that he/she isnt so ill at birth :pray: I dont envy you giving birth to a baby that big though hun :shock: Ouch!

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