Big Babeh!?


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2008
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Sooo I've just come back from seeing the mid wife. She measured my tum and explained that it's usually 1 cm for every week you are pregnant. We're 27 cm at 25 weeks, she said Pixie measuring a little bit big but not to worry all is fine.

I didn't think anything of it till I went to reception to book my next appointment. The girl said "Oh, nearly due then?" To which I reply that I had another 3 months to go. She thought I looked quite big for 25 weeks.

Epp I didn't think I was big at all! :D
i really wouldnt worry too much hun, certainly not about the measuring thing, its just a small guide yes if u were measuring 20 weeks and u were 25 weeks then that might give vause for concern, but honeslty try not to worry, I bet u have a normal sized bump :hug:
Aw I was sort of chuffed to be honest. I've not really been showing much, both my my mam and my auntie got to about 6 months before people could tell. I've just had a major growth spurt so I'm pleased to be looking pregnant.

I just keep thinking what am I going to be like in 3 months if I feel like a weeble now! :D
Lol.. the silly receptionist should have been trained not to poke her nose in where it's not welcome..

I look quite big for 23 weeks.. but I have days where I am bloated and am slightly bigger than other days.. and I've had a child before.. so I guess I made room before the baby needed it.. :lol:

Don't worry.. every woman is different.. as long as baby is healthy! :D
Like the others have said, don't worry about those measurements. I measured big with Tom, went for growth scans and he came out at 6lb 5!!

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