

Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2008
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Hi Guys,

just wanted to get some confirmation that what im experiencing are probably strong BH.

Since 6:30 - 7ish i've been getting regular pain in my back and front coming in waves (really quite painful at times), only thing is that when i lay on my side they seem to slow and and almost stop. Baby is already engaged and very low down so not baby engaging.

I guessed that this is probably BH?
hmm, I'm not sure.. though I know other ladies have described contractions as coming in waves which doesn't happen with BH :think:
:o its prob the real thing oooooooh exciting fingers crossed hunni :hug:
Been to the toilet a few times now as well. humm will lay down in bed and see how things go i think. Knowing my luck they will just stop all of a sudden.

Hey just found a program on bbc 4 about the development of babies in the womb. Quite good actually. Maybe that can tell me, ha ha x
oo very nice..

you could be having a clearout which is a sign of labour.. lets hope so :cheer:
sounds like it could be contractions to me hun, good luck
fingers crossed it all kicks off for you hun, mine has just stopped apart from the occasional tummy cramp and constant back ache :hug: :hug:
Sounds like it could be the early stages of labour, good luck x
I personaly would say it isnt BH, for one you usually get them during the later stage of pregnancy and not just as you are about to drop so you would have had some before now, also as i have said before although some people do get them its unusual in first pregnancies, plus if you do get them in first pregnancy it should not be painful so i would say more likely early signs of baby getting ready for the big wide world :wink: :D :D
Hi ya, still here.

Still getting pains but they have slowed down. My thighs are aching though. guess thats just where i've been tensing. Oh well. Im here to last another day x
oooooh your in early labour :hug: aching thighs is also a labour sign :hug:
didn't know about aching thighs as a labour sign! I swear there are so many signs I can't keep up :lol:

good luck though!!
as far as im concerned with me the only sure sign is the babys head coming out my chuffer :wink:
:rotfl: :rotfl:
very true hen!

but sign spotting is fun, and keeps us amused for the time being at least!!
and i deffo need to be kept amused i'm going up the wall with boredom
Got to agree with you there. Pain has stopped now but lost a few small bits of plug today so atleast the pain was doing something i guess

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