BFP or pink evap???


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2007
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My spotting hasn't been as heavy as it usually is by now so I took a test a few hours ago and left it. Went back 2 hours later and there's a pink line!! It's a very wide pink line, sort of in a block. So I took another test and that one was negative. I'm confused...AF is due any time now. The test doesn't look like other positive ebay tests, what do you all think?

Hi! Looks like a BFP line to me, but it's really blurred so hard to tell. Maybe wait a couple more days and test again if AF hasn't appeared - easier said than done though i know!! :lol:
From what your saying hun, it sounds like an evap to me :(

Going back to look at a test 2 hours later doesnt count because you should only read a result as a positive before 5/10 mins (according to individual test) the pink 'block' you describe sounds classic of an evap too, and the fact that all your others have been negative.

However, if you still feel pregnant and AF is due do a clearblue digi, you cant go wrong with these, no evap lines there!

Good luck hope you get your BFP soon xxx
Hmmm... im with Jaidy on this one. Ebay cheapies are a bit notorious for this as i have had a few evaps before. I dont totally trust them and would always back them up with a digi. Test again in a couple of days and hopefully it will be more clear! :hug:
i'd take a test with fmu to be on the same side :hug: :hug:
I agree with the others it does sound like evap lines, I went through a load of ebays a few weeks ago convinced that it was a bfp (you just need to see my topics I started as to how convinced I was) but I now think that they was pink evap lines as I did a tesco, superdrug and digi tests on different days and not even a faint line. I would test again with a different test to make sure good Luck :hug: :hug:
As much as I dont want to be negative, please dont read these tests after 10 mins. I had this last month but it was an evap hun :hug:
It was an evap :( Never had a pink evap before and I must have used well over 100 of these tests in the last year! Just have to wait for the laparoscopy now...


I thought evap lines were supposed to be grey and not pink? I suppose the only way to know for sure is to take another test, maybe a branded one. You can get first response ones from Boots for £8 and you can test from 4 days before your AF is due, although I think the success rate at testing that early is something like 52%.
susan_1981 said:
I thought evap lines were supposed to be grey and not pink? I suppose the only way to know for sure is to take another test, maybe a branded one. You can get first response ones from Boots for £8 and you can test from 4 days before your AF is due, although I think the success rate at testing that early is something like 52%.

Thats what everyone says, they shouldnt be pink, but we've seen quite a lot fo pink ones on here lately.
yei had a pink evap line too in the first cycle of ttc

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