BFP and BFN same urine?! *UPDATED - again!*


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2007
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I've been testing for a few days on internet cheapies. I've had evaps in the past so always quite prepared for them! Each day the lines have been more visible. They're not really purple as far as I can see but the lines are quite faint so they could be. I tested with fmu today and decided to use two tests (no idea why) first test came up with line within about 5 mins, the other took ages and isn't very visible at all so it probably is an evap.

What's the reason for this!? Can you get faulty tests or something?


**** Just wanted to let you all know I've just called my docs as I had a blood test last week (I'd put a post on here about that) to check for infertility. Results show I didn't ovulate this cycle. Doc wants me in tomorrow for another test, going to check for pregnancy :) I'm pleased they found something, I either find out I'm pregnant or get to sort out the problems we've been having. It's win win situation! ****

***I'm needing some test results back for 2nd ovulation test and I did ovulate late. Af still not here, it's now 6/7 days late. Still getting BFNs. I know that because I ov'd late I probably wouldn't get a BFP until next week. I've been checking my cervix and it's been high, soft and closed for days now but this morning when I checked it was covered in blood. Not bright red, sort of pinky brown. I'm now worried my af is on its way :( Could I be pregnant?!***

Sorry for such a long post!!!
it's probably that the sensitivity on one test is slightly higher than on the other. even if tests say they detect say 20 one may be able to detect 15 and that would show the bfp whilst the other one still wouldnt.

it sounds promising though, i think its time you bought a brand name one!!!
Aww I hope it's my turn! Going to buy perhaps a clear blue digi on wednesday. Af spotting due today, I'm regular like clockwork and I've had nothing. Just strange how one test shows a line and the other hardly at all. I'm so scared I'm going to get af!

Get a digi today, how can you bare to wait :dance: I got a bfp on the digi after the faintest line on an ebay cheapie, come on dont leave us in suspence :cheer:
lol I don't want to get a bfn, maybe my hcg levels were really low normally so they're taking ages to build up and show. I know if I don't get any bleeding by wednesday then something's up! I usually get 2 days of spotting then the real thing. I keep getting twinges down there like the start of period pains but they turn into nothing...which is meant to be good isn't it? hubby is getting really excited too as he can see the line.

Mel was your faint line purple/pink or too faint to tell whether there was a colour there?

it didnt have much colour, bit pinky like i say though was sooooo faint cant really tell, id still get a digi hun, either way id couldnt way to know :hug: i bet its bfp though
If it helps this is the pic of my first one


then three days later i got this


the first pic was 10dpo and the second was at 13dpo
There is def a second line there darling......... at least the dr will def tell you hunni!!!

finges crossed for ya but i wouldnt have been able to help myself and would have been out for some better tests :lol:

sending ya lots of luck and baby dust!!!
Mrs Brightside, the pics on here were mine, not Sal's. Thought I would put them on there for her to see mine werent all that dark and tbh I think they are darker now they are old than they were when I first done them
Thanks for the pics, my lines nowhere near as dark! Did one this afternoon, there is no line at all...surely if I was getting evaps on the others I would have on the test this afternoon?! Oh I don't know! I'll see what the doc says tomorrow and I will get a clearblue if he doesn't tell me anything!
Doc is doing more blood tests just incase I ovulated late....Still no af and no signs of it! Just got sore nips! I've bought a digi but don't want to test with it until I get a strong faint positive. Are boots own tests ok? I'm going to use one of those tomorrow.
Wow those lines are loads darker than I got yesterday and I got a BFP on a digi! Eveything crossed for you hun! :pray: :hug:

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