
Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2006
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Hi girls! I tested today (AF due today) and got a BFN. Gutted. I know it could be too early so I am gunna wait until Sunday to test again (I'll try my best to lol) I do have some symptoms though, mainly tingly boobs TMI sorry! I can't help thinking though that I want to be pg so bad I am imagining symptoms :x
:hug: :hug: Sorry you got a BFN hun.

Maybe it was just to early. Good luck on Sunday :pray: :pray:
Thanx suggle. Praying I can join the Jan 08 club lol. Hate to be nosey but I see you are expecting a girl. Did they tell you at your 20 week scan or did you go private to find out (a baby bond thing) It's just I want to find out this time and I know places differ but hoping they will tell me and not make me pay to go private lol
Aww sorry hun :hug:

Good luck for sunday, you could be too early cos i got a BFN a few days ago. x
Hiya :wave:

I paid for a private gender scan because my hubby was working abroad when my 20 week scan was due so I found out at 16 weeks then had it confirmed again at my 20 week scan :hug: :hug:
How much was it? Maybe I might do both too as I want to be sure I know that sometimes they get it wrong!!!
It cost us £75 with babybond, it was really good, i would recommend it if you have the money to do it :hug:
Yes I will deffinatly look into it. We are hoping for a girl this time.

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