Bf question


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2012
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When Fin is feeding he rarely empties my breast then seems hungry about 1 1/2 hour later. When he is feeding he'll fall asleep and it's difficult to wake him up. What do you suggest to get him to eat more? Xx
You can try to have him only in his nappy while bf, also tickle a little his feet, stroke his cheek etc. you can also brake the feed in 2 parts. Feed wind and when he gets sleepy put down on the playgym with only his nappy to have a kick then 10 min later try one more time
When Tyler was younger he'd eat little and often it's was only 6 weeks he'd go 2 hours between feeds and 12(?) 3 hours. I can't see tickers but I'd say that's pretty normal.

At one point Tyler would feed play sleep for half an hour up again for food over the space of an hour!!!

Harry was the same when young, fed little and often, only at 10 weeks he started going longer, feeds every 3 hours now

You could try stripping him off for feed.
Brian does this, so if I cant wake him I put him down and just feed again when he asks, I assume its ok as he's happy!
Is it 1 1/2 from the end of the last feed or beginning? K usually went 1 1/2 to 2 hours from beginning of feed to beginning of feed. I think this is quite typical until 3-4 months. Xx
That's not so bad then. I'm terrible for looking at routines in books and thinking they should be achievable. And the book suggests every 3 hours at 4 weeks old.
He did have a good big feed not long ago but then threw up after it! (unusual for him), so was unsure do I keep feeding assuming he has none or just leave him. I chose to feed him more- is that what you'd do? Xx
I've always ignored the books I've found the routines more suited to ffing (dunno what book it is tho) I've always followed my babies lead. If worried contact a bf group :)

It's the whisperer book :) I do go to a bf group and they seem happy as he's putting on lots of weight. Just trying to get him to go a bit longer at night and the book suggests if he eats more during the day he won't need as much at night- up 3 times after he finally went down at 12- am I being unrealistic when he's only 4 1/2 weeks old? Xx
Tyler's only just gone from 5 awakenings to 2-3 and he's nearly 6 months! He's a terrible sleeper so don't take sleep advice from me lol!!

Tyler's only just gone from 5 awakenings to 2-3 and he's nearly 6 months! He's a terrible sleeper so don't take sleep advice from me lol!!

Poor you!! Maybe I should just shut up and be happy! It could always be worse!! Xx
Oh I didn't mean it like that! Just saying that if it's to do with sleep I don't have a clue lol!

Oh I didn't mean it like that! Just saying that if it's to do with sleep I don't have a clue lol!

I didn't take it like that! It's hard to convey humour in text! I really don't have it bad compared to some, I just look forward to the days when he sleeps through! Might be a way to go yet xc
Should he be fully emptying the breast each time he feeds or is that normal too? Xx
G has never emptied each breast. She's 4months now and has only just hit the 3hours. At 4weeks I'd say your timing is fine. Xxx

On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(
If baby is still latched on pull the nipple back a bit (not with a finger), that tends to get them drinking again rather than sucking, it was a good tip I got from a BF consultant.

Also Lewis gets lazy sometimes and I carry him around while I'm feeding him so he's looking about it makes him drink more when he usually would have given up. Sitting on a dining room chair in the middle of the room rather than a sofa has the same effect.

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