Bf moan


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2007
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Sorry for moaning again about breastfeeding. But does anyone else feel a bit trapped? Every single feed is my responsibility and I don't ever get a break from him which sounds awful but it's just so demanding at times. I dont express so hubby can't help but to be honest he wouldn't have the time anyway. Because I'm bf, he tends to help me with DD our toddler and I'm a bit jealous of the time he gets with her. I would love to spend more time with her but I'm spending time bf DS when bottles are much quicker.

Maybe I'm just feeling sorry for myself today because my nipples are still stingy but it would be nice to just pass the buck sometimes
I feel the same way sometimes :) I think it's normal to have the occassional 'off' day.

You're doing such an amazing job - It can get hard, but the pros far weigh up the cons in my opinion :) As long as both you and baby are happy then you're onto a winner xx
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I feel like this sometimes, less so now. Just felt like I couldn't get anything else done as G would feed for 20-40mins. He's gotten much quicker at feeding as he's gotten bigger and now only needs 10-15mins for a feed. Hope you feel bette about it soon, just do what feels right for you and works for your family situation.
I feel exactly the same. It's hard work. He doesn't understand and can't help. Sometimes I really hate it but then during the night it's so useful, I don't know how I'd do a growth spurt with bottles.

Emma x
i used to feel the same sometimes ButAfter breastfeeding for 4 months and now bottle feeding i would much prefer to breastfeed anyday! all i seem to do is wash bottles, sterilize bottles, make bottles then before i know it Im doing it all again! x
I used to sterilise all the bottles first thing in the morning and fill them all with boiling water. Then when I needed a feed I'd add the formula.

I've been enjoying bf but one of my nipples is too painful at the moment :( gave him a bottle tonight, I just couldn't face it. I must just be fed up today.. Haven't hardly had a minute to go to the toilet.
I used to sterilise all the bottles first thing in the morning and fill them all with boiling water. Then when I needed a feed I'd add the formula.

I've been enjoying bf but one of my nipples is too painful at the moment :( gave him a bottle tonight, I just couldn't face it. I must just be fed up today.. Haven't hardly had a minute to go to the toilet.

hope it improves soon Hun, nothing wrong with giving him a bottle, Tegan had a bottle for her last feed every night from 11 weeks as my milk supply was Crap xx
I can't feed from this boob until it's healed because it's awful and it can't heal if I keep using it :( I think there may be a blister on it because it has a white spot on it and the other nipple is just pink. Ill have to hand express the milk out in a bottle to keep the supply up.

So painful :(
Sorry you're in pain. Why don't you invest in a pump and give the sore one a break and just pump? That's what I do when I am sore. I also give a bottle of expressed milk at night as someone else can do it, and have done this for ages now. It works out perfectly. X
I can't find my pump since we moved house. It was a good one that mimicked the speed of the babies suck etc. Might try and look in the boxes tomorrow because it would be ideal at the moment. I only have time at night when DD is in bed though.
Have you tried nipple shields? I got the Medela ones for my cracked nipples when he was about 3 weeks old. They are a godsend whilst sore nipples are trying to heal.

Did you find the Lansinoh?
Have you tried nipple shields? I got the Medela ones for my cracked nipples when he was about 3 weeks old. They are a godsend whilst sore nipples are trying to heal.

Did you find the Lansinoh?

I might try the nipple shields if it doesn't heal. I remember using them with DD and they helped. No I forgot to look today and I know it would really help! Will look for it tomorrow again.

I'm a bit confused because I fed DS from the sore boob tonight because it was absolutely bulging and it wasn't that bad. He latched on well and only did a couple of what felt like bites! It doesn't seem to be burning afterwards either. I always think it's healed and then it will hurt again at some point. I wonder if the latch can be worse on one side than the other.

He gets his injections on Wednesday with the health visitor but a doc will be there too so will mention it to her and maybe she'll take a look because maybe I do need antibiotics or something.

Ps. It's starting to sting now, 10mins after the feed.

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