bf - how much?


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2011
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i was just wondering roughly how many times a day your lo wants a feed? Alyssa has ranged between 5 or 6 large feeds a day (like an hour or so between both boobs) to lots of short comfort latching sessions on days where shes upset or unsettled but i was wondering if the days where she only feeds 5 or 6 times are enough?
G fed at 7am, 10am, 1pm, 3pm, 6.30, and 9pm - roughly. I wouldn't have said any of them were huge feeds. Xxx
when hes awake its about every 2-3hrs now bu he does cluster feed some days, I dont mind I enjoy the cuddles :)
yeah see alyssa has fed at 9.45, 2pm, 5, 9 and will probably feed again at like 11 and 4am so only 6 feeds today but i just spent almost a full hour and a half with her latched on.
I would said G prob fed more that usual today, I was quite surprised by the 3pm one. Hopefully we'll just have one during the night, but think she's on the 6week growth spurt just now, so might be more. Xxx
ah so were about the same really then. just dont really want to have to top up with her anymore but she fed for ages and was still screaming so i was wondering if maybe she was actually still hungry, she likes to latch on me for comfort too so its hard to tell lol
Have you tried her with a dummy - sometimes if I think G is just fooling around I pop her off and give her a dummy, if she's actually hungry it gets spat out pretty quick, but of its just comfort she keeps it. Xxx
she spits it out most of the time, even when shes just fussy. just gave her 3oz of formula n shes gone sleepy lol. almost got my milk supply to the point where i can cut out bottles but dont wanna starve her just to cut them out quicker
It's difficult to tell sometimes. Last week G had a cold, and apparently needed a break in her feeds, and I kept trying to figure out what was wrong when she was screaming 20mins after a feed - poor wee souls was still hungry again.
lol i basically just give her my boob if shes fussing but not wet. either hungry or comfort at the min it will help my milk production anyway. i hope its not long til i can phase out the last bottle. she was having top ups at least 3 times a day n now its just the 1
That's really good, fingers crossed its not much longer. Xxx
Well I'm pretty sure my hope of being up just once during the night just went right out the window. No way she is going through till he'd usual 7am on the tiny wee feed she just woke up for!! Think it was barely 5mins!!!
I've been topping up all his feeds pretty he still routes after bf. I don't know if I'll ever get to this stage...I do hope so!
It depends on the day with Samuel, some days we can feed every 2-3 hours others it can be every 45 min to an hour.x
its so hard isnt it, i mean you cant see what they get n its hard to tell f they want comfort or food too lol. i figure she will be really upset still if hungry so try not to offer a topup but keep giving boob. after all she always takes it and only unlatches when totally asleep. even then its rare for her to actually let go.

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