BF failure

I have had problems with bf from the start, i though issac was a lazy baby turned out he was tongue tied and had a bad latch.

Ive almost gave up a million times but somehow just keep trying every last option.

about 2weeks ago he was more formula fed than bf but now it has reversed, i have borrowed an electric pump as im waiting for mine to arrive.

My plan is express every 2hours.. i was feeding this often through the day anyway plus to express once between 1am and 5am as thats when the best milk is produced. I also let issac feed through the night and through the day until he fusses and top up with formula if i dont have any expressed milk.

I am taking tablets prescibed from the doctor but they can be bought over the counter they are not directly used for producing more milk but it is a side effect.

You shouldnt feel bad for using formula as you have given your LO the best start and even if you choose to go down the route of formula completely its what is best for you and your LO that counts


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