Best toddlers toothbrush....?


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2005
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Isaac goes through 1 every 2 weeks. Its because he will only let me have a brush of his teeth for a few seconds then he wants to do it, which is fine but he doesn't so much brush as chew. After about 2 weeks the bristles start coming loose so I have to throw it away. Why colgate or another company don't make a bristleless (is that a word?) toothbrush for kids I don't know :roll: but I wanted to ask you guys if you know of any hard wearing toddlers toothbrushes that will last longer than 2 weeks?

Lou :

edit* I just emailed colgate and asked them if they already make or plan to make a safer rubberised type toothbrush for toddlers. I'll let you know when they respond :D
sorry im no help tho curious of the answer coz jack does exactly the same!
:S perhaps get a adult one for him to chew on and a kiddie one to brush he holds the big boy one you hold the little one.. if you get plainish ones the same colour it might help.. the adult one should be stronger and the bristles thicker? wouldnt harm him to chew on then? perhaps if you get the multi pack of cheap ones it might not be so expensive. i wondered why there wernt any rubber ones for kids.. perhaps its because they are made out of plastics? and maybe theres testing etc to go through
Yeah I did think about getting him some adult ones but they are quite big compared to the kids ones and I've tried letting him hold one while I brush his teeth but he'll only let me have a quick go round. I haven't heard back from colgate yet but I will definately let you know when I do :D (I should have invented one and taken it on Dragon's Den) :lol:
:doh: bet theres some sort of dog toothbrush like this and the disposable ones

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