Best nappies?


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2006
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Ami had 12cms of her bowel removed in the nicu, due to this she now has extremely runny stools. being fed exclusively on milk doesnt help so this is gonna be a long term thing.

i am trying to find a nappy that can cope. when she does a poo (4-5 a day) the nappy gives up, it goes everywhere. this means up to 4 baths a day, 4 clothing changes and a LOT of washing + the reflux = my life is ruled by what time the washer finishes.

its getting me down as when i take her out i just know its all gonna end up a poo covered nightmare!!

ive tried huggies and pampers. what other nappies are good? i cant get hospital nappies til shes 3. xx

I think everyone has differing experiences with nappies. My LO is down to one to two poos a day but when he goes, he goes. Does an enormous amount, but the nappy generally holds it. Has been known to escape a fair few times though. We went up a nappy size sooner as it would all leak out the top at the back and the next size up ended up further up his back.

I find because I know when he is brewing to go (he fusses and strains lots) if I am home I am prepared. If its in the morning I simply leave him in an old sleepsuit or with just his nappy on his bottom half, lying on the change mat. Change mat goes on the play mat if he is there a while. I don't bother getting him dressed to save on laundry. Same if we go out and he's looking like he needs to go. Sleepsuit all the way as its far less on the washing. I know its nice to dress them in clothes but I just go with whatever makes my life easier elsewhere, so sleepsuits work for us. Otherwise its a vest, top and trouser change potentially. This way its a sleepsuit only and we have heaps of those so can afford to not keep putting a load in the machine.

I also use wetwipes to clean him up when he gets really messy and then wash him off with water and cotton wool afterwards. I rarely end up having to bath him this way.

I"m sorry I don't have any real suggestions, but maybe you can find something of use in what I've said we do.
Would you consider cloth? i think all cloth using mummies would agree that the contain sooo much more wee and poo than a disposable can. ive never had an explosive cloth nappy.. but i had many disposable ones in the 1st 3 weeks of teds non cloth wearing days. got no info on disposables for you.. xx
have u tried different ranges from pampers and huggies ? i really find huggies superdry contain everything better then the natural fit .
I use tescos nappies grace and find them quite good. If shes leaking badly though why not get a nappy wrpa and pop that over the nappy to try and contain it more? you can get them off kiddicare. It might save Amis clothes and contain it all as it must be frustrating!!!
I agree with Lisa that cloth holds the poo in better. Of the disposables I think pampers are the best, but even they used to leak quite a bit when Logan had runny bf poos.
If you don't want to use cloth, I'd recommend still using a wrap as it would hopefully catch the escaping bits. We use Motherease air flow and as long as we have had the nappy inside the wrap (once or twice we've had a bit of nappy sticking out so the wee has wicked onto her clothes) nothing has escaped. Soft bots don't charge postage and I'm going to buy from there today as we're going up a size!
When Tia became lactose intolerant she would have the most explosive watery poops that would escape everywhere and depending how much lactose got in her diet she'd have it for a couple of days, a couple of times a day. I found Asda's own brand the best but I did what Kalia suggests... I brought wraps/plastic pants and put them over Tia's nappies. I tried washable nappies, but tbh it was just so much hard work and the consistency of the poop was so watery it would just leak everywhere within seconds of her pooping... and I ended up not only with several changes of Tia's clothes, but my clothes, seat covers, baths and then on top of that a reusable nappy.... :( But the wraps helped in catching the stuff that escaped.

Saying that we still had leaks nothing really solved it other than cutting the lactose out the diet but occasionally it would creep in and cause havoc again.
ive found tescos to be the best :D good luck finding something that will help hun :)

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