Best friends getting married what should i do?


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2006
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My best friend has sent me a txt saying shes got engaged to her girlfriend and is getting married! ( :cheer: ) The thing is iv hardly talked to her since february and when iv emailed her shes not replied so i just assumed it was the end of our friendship ( :cry: ). Iv been friends with her since i was 8 and love her to bits but i know im not her best friend as she has another circle or friends she sees more often than me. I want to tell her that i want to spend more time with her and for it to be how it used to. I havnt even replied to her txt yet and i feel really guilty but dont know what to say!!
I wanted to send her a card for the engagment but i cant find a 'gay' ( :doh: hate that word) engagment card! What should i say to her?
You don't need a gay one - just one that has a glass of champagne or something on the front rather than a hetero couple

say congratulations - as you get older you find that you don't see friends as often, I have my oldest friend who I speak to maybe a couple of times a month - sometimes if we're both busy we'll go months..makes no difference - call her say congratulations and can we meet up for a drink?
All the ones iv seen have two people on, i might make my own. I helped her talk about her sexuality and feel like shes kinda embarest about being around me now because of it. We talk about all sorts so dont know why she would be like that. She obviestly wants to be my friend because she txt me but shes ignored all my emails and PM's iv sent her :think:
I saw some same-sex couple congrats cards in John Lewis the other day if you have one of those nearby? I would just get in touch and say exactly what you have said here :hug:
Sometimes friendships dwindle and thats just other factors such as relationships, kids, work, distance etc and doesnt necassarily mean your friendship is over, my best mate lives about 200 miles away and we speak on the phone when we can but we both know if we dont speak for ages it doesnt mean anything negative, shes always there for me when I need her and I hope I am for her (love ya kazlin! :hug: )

If she didnt want to be your friend any more then she wouldnt have wanted to share her good news with you, so I reckon you should reply and tell her how happy you are for her and that you would love to meet up for a chat and to catch up on what shes been up to. You'll probably find that it will be like old times when you see her and you have nothing to worry about :hug:

I think i better email her when i get to my mums. The last time we 'spoke' she invited me to her birthday party and i said yes then DH had to email her and say i couldnt go because i wasnt well (was when i had a chemical pregnancy). Felt really guilty but i know she understood. Shes so lovely and i always feel like im letting her down. I dont feel that comfortable around her gf and she isnt around my dh so maybe i should ask her for some time alone, just the two of us for now. I know that sounds really awful, we're both pretty shy people.
Iv never told her how much she means to me as a friend and when i tried to tell her i didnt want to lose her after school i felt like i was making her uncomfortable and maybe she thought i was trying to ask her out :shock:
Paperchase have loads of 'gay' wedding cards :D
Snuggle said:

The cards are good on there, you choose all your own wording inside and on outside :hug:

hehe i was gonna say moonpig u can customise ur own card.
say to her its lovely to hear from her, congrats on her engagement and maybe can u arrange to meet up with her and meet her girlf (if u haven talready)?
Making your own card would be a good idea. :clap:

Congratulate her on her engagement and suggest a night out to catch up and talk about the old times. xxx
Minxy said:
Paperchase have loads of 'gay' wedding cards :D

yup :D and borders in the bullring do too so maybe other big bookshops might?

you should text her how you feel. the worst she can do is not reply, and then you haven't lost anything and you've made it known how you feel which I always think is the best way and then it's up to her what she says back, but i doubt she would say no. everyone loves having friends :D
one thing to check is that her email address hasn't changed - that could be why she has not replied.

Friendships change over the years people go their seperate ways, it has taken me a long time to get over that. I had a friend who i'd known since i was 8 we were best mates but used to fight like cat n dog, we stayed friends after school and she really helped me when i lost my job, But then i took a job that i had to move away for and thing s changed, she found a new set of friends, and though i am back in the area things have never been the same, we text each other, and birthdays n christmas, i still see her as a good friend and i miss the closeness we had, i feel that i dont really have a best mate anymore.

Makes me feel quite lonley even though i have other friends, they have not known me as long as Liz had.

I sent her a message on myspace last night just incase her email had changed. She wasnt on so couldnt reply. :hug:
jenna said:
I wanted to send her a card for the engagment but i cant find a 'gay' ( :doh: hate that word) engagment card! What should i say to her?

get a card which is blank inside and write your own verse!

''what a gay day''

or something like that!

or maybe! ''wishing the brides every happiness'' :rotfl:


''the girls special day! '' :dance: or ''newlywedgirlies!''

or and i can hardly type this!!

congratualtions mrs and mrs!!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

or what about this

''top hat but NO tails!!! '' ROFLMAO!!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

**someone stoooooooooooop me!!!** drag me away from this thread! :rotfl:
one of my friends got engaged, married and they now have a 1 year old baby, I just sent a normal card and put a normal message in it as I would any other couple. when they got married my friend changed her name by deedpoll to her partners surname and I asked how they wanted to be addressed. they both call each other 'wife'.

as the others have said things do change and when we're in new relationships or have children we dont have as much time for our friends as before. a true friend is always a friend even if you only see them once a year!!!!!!

I think im going to make one now. All the ones i can find have a man and a women on them, (thats what i meant by gay card, i didnt mean they need special ones :shock: lol)
I sent her a txt and where going out on friday :cheer:

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