can i ask a question


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2006
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have things changed between you and ur parnters/husbands since having children? Leahs 7 months and for the last few weeks me and rob havnet been getting on at all - and tonight we split :cry: im crying my eyes out, we both LOVE each other sooo much but we just arent happy. Rob says iv changed since having leah - which is obv cos all my attention is on her now and i have to share my love between her and rob.
I become really paranoid also since having leah and prob pushed rob away, i hate it when his 17yr old girly friends (we are both 21) txt him cos their all flirty with him - i read his msg when he doesnt look :oops: i know, thats childish.
I just want some advice really - sorry if this doesnt mk any sense,
i did exactly the same hun thats how i caught my ex cheatin.... my daughters only 17 weeks old an di'm a single mum i think the first few months are so stressful that it either makes or breaks a relationship pm me if you ever wanna talk :hug:
Why does he have 17 year old girls texting him? I wouldn't put up with that - sorry if that sounds harsh but I wouldn't. They may be his friends but, as innocent as it seems, theres alot of things that can go on by texting. Would he like it if you had men texting you?

I know how hard it is when theres a new baby in your life, your relationship changes in so many ways and you're bound to feel differently.

Maybe you just need some time apart rather than splitting for good. Me and OH always argue but whenever we say we'll split up we realise we love each other too much and it just keeps pulling us back together.

Do you still have time together, just you and him? Even though you're parents you need to be yourselves once in a while and realise theres more to you than being someones mummy.

Think about what life will be like without him - I mean really weigh up the good and the bad points. If you think you'll be happier on your own then perhaps its best to call it a day.

Sorry, I havent been much help, mostly just rambling :oops:

I hope you manage to sort things out :hug:
aww thank you for your replies - means alot.
I think iv just got lots to think about and Leah is the most important person. At the end of the day, she comes first.

I just love him sooo much and we'v been throu sooo much

Is it just because they are 17 it is a problem?

I have guy friends that i text sometimes and keep in touch with and alan dosnt have a problem with it, all his mates are blokes but if he had 'girl' friends i wouldnt mind either as long as thats all it is...

Im sorry you find yourself distanced maybe spending some time apart to get your heads straight will help?
my bloke is 21 im 20 and he has girls aged 14 yes 14 to 22 ringing him and texting him all the time he now has to turn his fone off at 10pm as a few nights ago they was ringing him at 3am
i dont condon violence but when i see the 14 year old i will give her a good slap just for the fact its disrespectfull towards me ringing him at that hour
i dont no what to say really just wanted to let you no that it seems to be quite comman for lads that age to have younger girls txting all the time
erm try talking to him about it
sorry i cant be of much more use
manda x
yes alot has. he doesnt want to be around me n he doesnt have much to do with my son. all he wants is his mam

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