Best BBT ?


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2017
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Hi I am thinking about temping from next month. Which make do you use?
I use Fertility Friend and Ovagraph. You can also use GLOW - I've heard only good things about that one.

BBT Charting is great for confirming that Ovulation has, in fact occurred. It only pin points O after the fact though. It's great if you know you O between eg. CD13-15 and if you track CM, CP and use OPKs it gives you an amazing oversight into your cycle. You are also able to tell if you have any medical conditions such as PCOS, endo, annovulatory cycles etc. This is a great help because then you can start to work on the problem without your GP having to do loads of unnecessary testing. It will also help you to establish if you have a healthy luteal phase - which is essential for implantation.

BBT charting is an amazing tool. Some women find it stressful, because you can tell immediately if you have conceived or not without even needing to do a test. It takes the surprise factor out of it a bit but then again, it helps you to prepare for the next cycle before AF shows.

Good luck hun :dust:
I really liked charting my temps but I found it hard to wake up at the same time every morning to take temps.

I ended up buying Ovusense. Its a thermometer you wear inside you and you just download your data in the morning whenever you get up.

It gave me a great insight to my cycle, but obviously its more expensive than a basel thermometer.
Hiya ovusense sound very good but they don’t sell it in the UK I just looked it up but I might order the one sunflower suggested. Does it have to be taken same time every morning? Like exactly the same?
Hiya ovusense sound very good but they don’t sell it in the UK I just looked it up but I might order the one sunflower suggested. Does it have to be taken same time every morning? Like exactly the same?

They do sell it in the UK, its a british company. Im based in london and had it delivered within 48h.

I had a look at the ones you wear on your arms too, they seem good also.

Yeah with BBT its more reliable if you take it at the same time everyday, before you get up for a wee, or check your phone/have a chat etc... literally as soon as you open your eyes. So if you are in a good routine its easier, but i work different hours so remembering to do that early in the morning wasn't working for me!

Have you tried reading a book like 'Taking Charge of Your Fertility' I *think* its full of useful info about charting.

TBH I learned as I was going, with sharing info on a facebook group and talking it over with other users. I wish I just read up more about it in the first place! :lol:

Oh and with BBT - it goes in your mouth x
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Ah thanks for this. I also get up at different hours so I don’t think it will be accurate for me either just to do normal BBT :(
Hiya ovusense sound very good but they don’t sell it in the UK I just looked it up but I might order the one sunflower suggested. Does it have to be taken same time every morning? Like exactly the same?

No. You are supposed to take it after your longest sleep but I just take it when I wake up in the middle of the night and it's fine.
Hi Jumping in, I was TCC for 18 months before I got my ovusenue It took me 2 months to get used to it, and after that I got my BFP 6 times with it,
I cant rate it hight enough.
BBT didnt work for me Im too erratic in my sleep, and having to take it before moving was a mission.
The ovusenue Fit in really well x

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