Benefits for teenage single mother and student PLEASE HELP


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2014
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I literally feel like tearing my hair out I am so stressed with this, I get bad anxiety over worries like this and its making me really uneasy and ill lately. I am 20 weeks pregnant.

I am 18 and recently finished sixth form and achieved the grades I needed to attend university in September. I knew I was pregnant when I got the grades but still intended to continue and pursue university however difficult others say it may be. It was my choice to continue the pregnancy despite everyone else comments I felt like for me it was the right thing to do. I know there are other mothers in worst situations than me who continue a pregnancy and raise a child therefore I did not feel justified enough to make the decision to end a life. I understand some people may disagree with my choice to continue university with a child but I find it completely do able as I am fully dedicated to both my child and making it work to better our futures. I would rather do this now and be able to provide a stable future for her when she starts school rather than be a stay at home mum and then go to uni and have no a lot of money when she starts school, I want to prepare my future now.

I got in to a London university and I live in Dorset so that wasn't ideal. I have applied through clearing for Southampton but I am yet unsure if I will get a space. If I do it will be ideal as the course is classed as full time but is only for 2 days a week and its about a 20 minute cheap train journey from where I am.

Because I am a student right now I don't get any benefits and im not sure if I can claim any while pregnant and being a student? Right now I live at home with my grandparents and im lucky enough for my grandparents to be supporting me until my student loan comes through (end of next month) I get maximum grant and loan as I live away from my mum which works out divided at about £550 a month (ALLOT of this would be going on travel to London if i end up not getting a place at the other uni as i don't think moving to an unfamiliar place with a newborn is a good idea)

I am so worried that I will have to live on a student loan to pay rent bills nappies milk clothes etc for me and my daughter. Will I be given anything else? I have very little experience with benefits but I do know that most stay at home single mothers don't struggle much financially but i feel i will just because im a student.

Does anyone know what benefits I will get and how much I will get and if it will effect my student loan or vice versa? I think I can get child benefit and child tax credits but im unsure how much and can i get income support?

Also I haven't told anyone im pregnant yet :( the dad wants no involvement so im a little ashamed of telling my grandparents and i know how much this will upset them. Does anyone know if i will be entitled to housing benefit? as unfortunately i think when they find out im going to have to move, and does anyone know if i can get this while being pregnant and a student or if i will have to wait till i have had the baby. If i was to move I got in to the closer uni i would probably end up moving in to a home near there as the rent is considerably cheaper and i would spend less on travel.

Thanks everyone.
Hun, I think you need to get down to your local CAB as they can give you all the advice you need. I don't think you can claim anything until baby is here though. You will def get child benefit. It works out at around £80 a month. Unsure about CTC or IS though? Im sorry I can't be of much help. Another thing to look at though is childcare facilities within the universities, if they accept 0+ and how much they charge.

I wish you luck xXx
Welcome and sorry to hear you're going through such a tough time. You sound like you have your head screwed on and already determined to make a better life for you and your baby, which is an amazingly positive outlook given that you're feeling so alone right now. The ladies on here are wonderful and I hope you feel less alone just by having somewhere to come with any questions you have?

There's a charity for single parents called Gingerbread. I haven't had any experience of them directly but they might be able to help you with the questions about what benefits you'll be entitled to as a single mum. Have a look at their website and maybe give them a call and have a chat to someone who's spoken to a thousand people in a similar situation to yours.

Congratulations on your pregnancy and good luck with getting to grips with the financial side of things. xxx

P.S. Try not to worry too much about how your grandparents will react - they just might surprise you x
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There's also a site called entitledto that would be worth a look at x
There's also a site called entitledto that would be worth a look at x

I have used all the calculators online but none of them work for students only unemployed employed or retired, they have disclaimers that say they won't give an accurate amount for students.

What I have done is put on the calculator I was a single mother unemployed then wrote down that amount and then added my student loan/grant too it. However, I don't know if my benefits will be effected by my student loan or vice versa which is what I am worried about.

My student loan is about £550 a month when divided. This has to pay rent too I was too pay my grandparents £80 a month inclusive of all bills and food. But if I was to continue living here with a child I would be paying a bit more possible about £120 because another room would have to be used and the electric bill here is £200 a month as it is. I would also have to budget that to buy essentials for the baby like nappies wetwipes baby food forumla and clothes for me and the baby as well as travel too and from uni which would be my car insurance and petrol and if I couldn't afford to keep the car it would be spent on train fair. I also think its more than likely I would be told I couldn't continue living here once I had a baby so I would need to move out and there is no way in hell that amount would cover private rent food bills and travel.

I am really praying that I am given the same support as a mother in my position with the exception of them being unemployed. I don't see how the government can justify giving me less for being a student when I am preparing my life so in the future im not unemployed and have a career. The thing I am most concerned about is rent and whether I will get housing benefit. I know if i live with family I can't get it but I need to know if I move out will I get it because if I can't I really don't think its going to be possible. All I want is the same entitlement and money that single unemployed mums get and then I will know I can manage.

I have a friend who is pregnant and her family already had 7 people including her boyfriend in a 3 bedroom house so the council gave her some where right away. None of them work and right now shes living off income support and he is on DLA. It just seems unfair that I may not be given the same privileges just because I am a student. I'm not saying I want a council flat handed to me and benefits just would like to know that there is some help to get equal finances as people in the situation like I talked about.

Also I know you don't get benefits while pregnant. I wouldn't expect that, I know you can get income support 11 weeks before your due date though. I am happy living on my student loan until I have the baby. The thing that really concerns me though is if my grandparents re act bad and tell me to leave, they where not happy when my auntie got pregnant and she was 25 and married and they told her and her husband to get their own place! If that happens il probably be living in shared accommodation or halls and the baby will not be allowed to live with me. Will I be entitled too housing benefit for a few weeks up until my due date giving me time to sort everything in the house out for the baby?
I know you will be entitled to housing benefit as my sister was in a similar situation, but the rate you get for it is dependant on your individual circumstances so is suggest you visit your local one stop shop and ask them to calculate how much will you be eligible for -it's all straight forward. your only other option is if your grandparents tell you to find somewhere else then you can claim for income support, this can be quiet awkward as they'll contact your grandparents and make sure your no longer allowed to live there then they will set up your claim which will take 2-4 weeks, also if this was to happen you could claim housing benefit straight away so you could get your own place.

hope this helps and congrats! :)
You won't be entitled to the same amount as single unemployed mothers because the system takes into account your student grant/loan, so technically by getting that you're already getting money than an unemployed mother wouldn't be getting. I'm not suggesting it's fair/easy or whatever - just that being a full-time student and being unemployed are seen as two very different things.

I really think you should book a meeting with your local Citizens Advice Bureau honey as none of us are experts and they'll be able to tell you what you can and cannot claim.

Hopefully you'll know where you stand then xxx good luck xxx
You won't be entitled to the same amount as single unemployed mothers because the system takes into account your student grant/loan, so technically by getting that you're already getting money than an unemployed mother wouldn't be getting. I'm not suggesting it's fair/easy or whatever - just that being a full-time student and being unemployed are seen as two very different things.

I really think you should book a meeting with your local Citizens Advice Bureau honey as none of us are experts and they'll be able to tell you what you can and cannot claim.

Hopefully you'll know where you stand then xxx good luck xxx

I understand that I wont get the same amount from benefits as an unemployed single mother but I think I should be entitled too the same amount as one even if that's half from student loan and half from benefits. I am not sure student loan is taken in to account when claiming benefits as its a loan that gets paid back I think only your grant is taken in to account but I could be wrong. But I do know there is no way I am going to be able to survive on just a student loan (£550) and £80 child benefit a month, rent for an average 2 bed in my town is £700 pcm so that amount wouldn't even cover it. Im just hoping I will get a similar or the same amount as other mums even if that is with student loan combined and hopefully full housing benefit. I get a £500 travel bursery from university and i intended to use that to pay my insurance for my car in full so i don't have to worry about that and only petrol and save up a bit every month for the MOT. that way it will work out to be more cost effective than bus/train travel to uni and out and about with the baby. However if I only get in to the london uni im going to have to completely re think everything.

I am going to call someone today to talk about it. If there is literally no help or very little help I am going to have to rethink my choices for the babies sake. Possibly not do uni which I REALLY really do not want to have to do, but if that's the only option and I have no family support then it will have to be.
My cousin did it ! She lived with her mum so didn't have to worry about paying for accommodation. You'll get your loan but you will also be able to apply for grants. I would talk to cab though they will be able to to explain everything to you. I found out I was pregnant first year of uni and decided to drop out I'm glad I did as I would have missed so much I can always go back to uni but I can't ever go back to those special moments. Good luck xx
I am really happy just got given the place at the university a 45 minute drive from me, so want have to go to London (which is 2 hours 45 mins away) Finally cant rest and this has made things a lot easier. I am entitled to hosing benefit even if I have to pay some rent myself which is good. Having a meeting with the university soon about benefits etc

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