First Baby White said:
Thanks Ladies, I am feeling ok today just a bit off colour and disorientated as though I cant put my finger on whats actually wrong. I will keep an eye on it and see how it goes. What would I do without you ladies
Just to let you know First Baby White, that I had a similar sickness in
the middle of the night with my first baby, and I believed it was
because she had turned from being engaged to the breech
position. I was almost 39 weeks when this happened. My midwife
didn't think she had turned to breech, so didn't send me for a positioning
scan. I was right
she turned out to be an undiagnosed breech.
I think it would be worth getting babies position checked by the midwife.
My sickness was very random, and like motion sickness, I also
noticed my bump felt different.
However as the other girls have said it may just be hormonal
sickness, and a sign baby is on the way