Being kicked in the bottom?


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2011
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Hi, me again with another probably normal question but I'm too scared to google!
Yesterday I didn't feel the baby move at all but thank god for the doppler and we heard a heartbeat and it kicked once! Then this morning the baby wasn't moving again like it usually does when I wake up and it was in the exact same place as when I went to sleep which is unusual too and that freaked me out but again doppler came into its own and the baby moved a bit more. Since I've been up and about I've felt what feel like small kicks but somehow they feel like they're in my bottom? Is that possible?
Is it likely the baby's just moved and I'm not feeling the kicks somehow? At my scan I was told I have a posterior placenta if that's at all useful!
Thank you in advance :)
Hello! Sorry to tri hop but I had exactly this about your stage, it was a weird feeling being kicked in the bum, its totally normal. You might start getting some kicks in the foof too. They still have plenty of room to turn and summersault at 24 weeks so LO may have moved to be facing inwards, hence why you're not feeling them quite as much.

Montor it today and if you think you've got reduced movement then defo call your mw. Pickle had a quite stage around that time, possibly caused by a growth spurt.
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Thank you! Kicks in the foof don't sound too nice, hopefully it sticks to the bottom if it insists on kicking me in uncomfy places lol. Hopefully it's having a good fidget while it still has room and has just decided it wants a different view on its world for a little bit :)
Like you said I'll keep an eye on it and I'm seeing my midwife tomorrow anyway for my 24 week appointment so I'll mention it to her then and see what she says xx

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